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•Tuesday, November 25•
Meanwhile, I'm still looking at apartments and condos. Really there's no need for me to leave, but I want to live on my own. But, soon I won't be home at all and I'll probably be living on a tour bus and when I am home, I'll be here. So what's the point?
I stayed on the phone with Jack all night last night. I miss him a lot and he said he'll be back in California soon. I really miss him.
"Whatchya wanna do today?" Areya asks.
"I just wanna stay home. I don't feel like doing much. Let's bake something."
"Like what?"
"Let's make cupcakes."
Areya got the stuff out while I took a call from my manager.
"Hey, you need to fly out to New York right away. I've gotten your tickets. Your flight leaves at 11. That's the earliest we could get it. It's almost Christmas."
"Its Kaycee. She got in a really really bad car accident and she wants you there."
"Oh my God. Is she okay?"My heart begins to race.
"We don't know. Just hurry."
"Okay. Can I take someone?"
"Okay. Bye."
"I have to fly to New York in like 3 hours. Who wants to come with me?"
"I can't go. I don't have warm clothes." Areya says. "It's snowing there"
"Guess I'll take Gabi."
"I'm so sorry. My friend is in the hospital. I'll be back before next week."
"It's okay. I'll be here for a while. Keep me updated."
"Okay. I will. Feel free to sleep in my room."
I run upstairs as I call Gabi and grab my suitcase.
Knee high socks
Ear muffs
Imma stay warm.
I put on pantyhose, a big sweater, black knee high socks, light pink Jeffrey Campbell's, and I grabbed a white Nordstrom coat.
I packed my carry-on and went downstairs.
Beau put my bags in the Range Rover.
"I call you when I can." I hug them all.
"Please be safe."
"I will."
I get in and call Gabi.
"I'm ready"She says
"Cool. I'm leaving now."
"Okay. See ya."
"See ya"
I hang up and plug my phone in and play Justin's album Purpose.
'No Pressure' plays and I'm like screaming the lyrics.
Gabi puts her stuff in the back and joins me screaming Justin Bieber. We get to the airport and get through security and all that jazz.
We eat lunch then aboard.
There were some paparazzi, but it wasn't overwhelming. I remember when we would go places with Ariana and it was so scary.
But soon, we were off to New York.
I told Jack I would be back by the time he's back in LA.
I'm so excited to see him again.
"So when we get there, we're dropping our stuff off at the hotel, then we're going to the hospital right after. Then it'll go from there." I say.
"Cool" She nods.
I took pictures of the sky cause beaut.
Gabi woke me up by shaking me. "We're landing" She says.
I put my headphones in my backpack and hold it in my lap. Once we land and stop, I text dad.
Me: Just landed. Text you when we get to the hospital.
Dad: Okay. Tell me how she's doing.
Soon, we stand up and wait to get off.
Right as we step through the tunnel, it's FREEZING. Like i turned into Elsa. Df.
We entered the airport and got our luggage and it was snowing outside which is wonderful. *sarcasm*
We got in the car that my manager rented for us so we didn't have to mess with train tickets and taxis and all that.
Keep in mind, it's almost 6 AM here. Who needs sleep amiright?
We quickly drove to the hotel where a man took our bags to our room. I tipped him and we left immediately. The hospital was just a few blocks away. We parked and ran up to the door.
"Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk looks up from her computer.
(Ya'll, I don't remember Kaycee's last name! Shit😂 I'm so sorry. I'm irresponsible. Let's pretend it's Wood)
"Kaycee Wood?"
"115- Second floor, on the right"
"thank you"
We go into the elevator and I swear that thing took 3 hours to get to the second floor. I was so frustrated!
Finally, we reached room 115.
I slowly open the door. She's sleeping peacefully. Her eye is swollen and her arm is in a sling. But that's all I can see right now.
I sit in the chair and wait for her to wake. Meanwhile, I text dad and tell him how she is.
"Perrie" I hear a meek and cracked voice whisper. I look up.
"Kaycee" We stand up quickly. "What happened?"
"I don't know... It was all too fast. I was looking at my phone anyway. I wasn't driving."
"What's broken?"
"Fractured ribs, broken arm, and uh... My lungs were kinda pushed on, but they'll heal quickly."
"Oh my God. Do you know when you'll be out?"
"They haven't told me." She starts to close her eyes.
"Okay... You can go back to sleep... We'll be back tomorrow."
"Okay" She mumbles.
Gabi and I exit.
"Starbucks?" I look at her.
"Of course!" She smiles.
After Starbucks, we went back to the hotel. Our rooms were separated  by the main room with the TV and couches. The kitchen was straight back. My room was to the left, hers to the right. They were closed off by double doors.
I showered and changed into black shorts and a VS button-up pj shirt.
I was checking my phone when Jack called. Wtf? It's like 6 AM in LA. And if I'm not mistaken, he told me that's where he was going to be today.
"Hello?"I say.
"Hey, I'm at your house. You dad told me everything. Do you know when you'll be back? I wanna see you!"
"Yea. Im staying tomorrow, leaving Wednesday. Tell everyone I'm sorry but I'll be back before Christmas Eve."
"You're on speaker so they know already."
"Oh hi. I think she'll be okay. Broken arm, fractured ribs, and her lungs were pushed a little bit but they'll be better soon."
"Why are all of you up at 6 AM?"
"We have a shoot soon. Jacks just crazy."Daniel says.
"Well, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight"
"I love you" Jack says. "I'm getting your present tomorrow."
"I love you too. And can't wait."
"You'll love it. See ya"
I plug in my phone and fall asleep.

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