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"You know, I never trust when cute girls are into me," remarked Skyler, taking a bite of licorice. My heart began pacing, and I brushed a piece of hair out of my eyes, and turned to face Skyler.

"Er, why not?" I asked, nonchalantly closing his laptop lid, and looking into his sea blue eyes.

"Because. I'm mediocre, you know? If a mediocre girl takes an interest, I can respect you know? Mediocre attracts mediocre," explained Skyler, spinning around in his office chair.

"True, you've got a point there."

"But when a girl's like this attractive, she's got to be hiding something."

"Talia?" I asked, my chest tightening at the thought of her name.

"Yeah, I mean, she's really cute. I think she's hiding something," mentioned Skyler.

"L-Like what?"

"Dunno. Menial stuff, like having some sort of STD, or like, being a serial killer. That shit's the stuff I don't want in a girlfriend," answered Skyler.

"W-Wait. She's your girlfriend?"

"Yeah? Once you shag thrice, you're in a relationship."

"Smart logic, mate. So, if Talia was like cheating on you or something, would you pissed?" I questioned, looking around Skyler's room, his walls plastered in band posters and lyric posters.

"Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed. When I shagged her the third time, she knew she was getting into a relationship with me," argued Skyler, picking up his acoustic guitar and strumming a chord.

"Yeah, er-"

"I mean, I'd be pissed, then I'd write a couple of angry love songs about her, then I'd develop the photos I've got of her on my phone, and burn them," rambled Skyler, strumming quickly while spinning around in his chair.

"T-That's pretty detailed, but I really nee-"

"I mean, I've got to take those necessary precautions for her, because Talia's the first girl, I really really liked dating and she took it," interjected Skyler.

"What? Took what?"

"My virginity, mate. I-It was the feeling of just lying next to her, wrapped up in bed sheets, covered in sweat that made me feel alive," replied Skyler, putting his hands behind his head.

"That's awesome, mate," I returned, too awed to tell him the truth about Talia.

"It is. You've got to find yourself someone, Colin."

"I will, sooner or later. But are you using Talia to complete Elliott's list?" I asked, cracking my knuckles.

"At first, I thought it was just to check off something on the list, but now, it's something real. So, could you not tell her about the list?" pleaded Skyler, a large smile forming on his face.

"Please don't tell Skyler about last night, Colin," pleaded Talia, her face a deep red, and tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Why not? He's got every right to know," I argued, plopping myself down on her comfortable bed.

"I made a mistake, Colin. I was drunk. Why do you think I kept laughing whenever you tried to bring me home?" retorted Talia, who was clutching her pillow tightly.

"I dunno. Maybe because I had to carry you home?"

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"No problem. You're not that heavy. Just don't get white girl wasted anymore. Pervs take advantage and shit," I reminded, while Talia hugged me tightly.

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