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"You ever notice that we do what's expected of us, then we just don't live our lives the way we want to? We just live our lives the way our parents want us to, and we project our dreams onto our kids," I rambled, stroking my chin.

"True. You know what I smell?" asked Elliott, looking into everyone's eyes.

"What? Egotistical posh brats, promiscuous girls, and drugs?" retorted Skyler, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that. But I hear my boy Colin saying something that relates to Camille's words."

"Yeah, damn right you do. We're going to disappoint our parents, everybody," announced Colin, a grin forming on his face.

"You mean, what we're doing right now, but we continue to do it to an endless degree?" asked Rory, running a hand through his jet black hair.

"I smell party," remarked Claudia, bringing her knees to her chest.

"You smelled right. But let's make it bigger," I continued, as everyone pricked their ears.

"How much bigger? I've got some boner pills in my locker," suggested Elliott, while Talia and Claudia pretended to gag.

"No, that's not what I mean. How about, we all go out tonight? We can go to our skate spot and just hang out, and smoke spliffs," I said, as everyone began grumbling in agreement.

"Nah, let's make it bigger. We want to free ourselves from this-this-," began Rhen, snapping his fingers.

"Posh hell?" suggested Andrew, while everyone looked at him in an astonished way.


"Andrew, you just talked," I said, breaking the silence that surrounded us.

"Yeah, I talk sometimes. Especially when there's things that have to be said," replied Andrew, narrowing his gaze at Rhen.

"I'm not even going to question it. So, what do you guys say?"

"I say I'm in," chimed in Elliott, as everyone else murmured.

"This is absolute shit," remarked Rhen, looking around the abandoned skate park.

"I brought spray paint and spliff," offered Skyler, holding up a small bag and a can of spray paint.

"I want some ecstasy," whined Elliott, smoothing down his button up shirt.

"Wait, why are you wearing that, Elliott? We're at a fricking skate park," I argued, running my fingers through my hair.

"Not for long. I'm getting us somewhere. All we need is two hundred quid, some better clothing, and some good Elliott charm," returned Elliott, grinning to himself.

"Yo, what's up, man?" greeted Elliott, flashing a peace sign at the small group of men.

"Stop being a little posh kid poser bitch," growled one of the shorter men, causing Elliott to flinch.

"What do you want? Weed, coke, ecstasy, male enhancement pills, or booze?" questioned the man in the middle. He had shaggy brown hair, dark green eyes, and a small goatee growing on his chin.

"Let's see, I'll take some ecstasy, a few grams of coke, and that'll be all," said Elliott, winking at the man. The man rolled his eyes, and snapped his fingers at his henchmen. The two henchman scrambled to behind the garbage containers, and came back, producing what Elliott ordered.

"Oh shit, I've only got forty quid," admitted Elliott disappointedly, after opening his wallet, and giving the man four ten pound notes. Talia sighed, and pulled her wallet out of her satchel.

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