Big boys and no shirts

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The camp was packed full of guys from every single size you could imagine. Most of them were big and bulky with the whole player vibe to them but the odd part was, They were all built.

When I agreed to attending this place, the image that strolled through my mind was buff guys that thought with the wrong head.... Not this many though.

The old guy helped me unload my luggage, which thankfully was lighter than most of these guys lugging duffel bag beyond duffel bag past me in groups of sections. Most of these guys were huge, and there had to be at least fifty of us here alone which shocked me because I didn't know there was that many Alpha's in the country to build up to that many.

“They are from all around the world, not just here,” The old guy scoffed when he noticed my wide eyes, and once again took the lead with no doubt of my following.

The camp was nicer than I imagined, but all the guys were dressed in white undershirts with either knee length shorts, or a pair of black jeans. I guess I didn't get the dress code...

The cabin's were line up in a circle around the area leaving the middle open and free with a center building that was maybe three of the cabin's put together, double doors opened, and I caught a glimpse of a dining hall inside with long wooden tables stretch across the whole room. This place was huge, yet secluded very well because the tree's hid it from any by passers view.

“Welcome to Camp Dominant ladies!” A voice spoke up loud and low from a speaker attached to a long pole standing next to the center building. The voice held no humor yet almost every wolf in the area stopped and growled at the insult. The sound vibrated deep in my body and I was trying very hard not to laugh at them all for being guppies.

“This year is our 50th year of bringing you sassy lil brat's together and training you to become the alpha your parents ask you to be. I would say enjoy your stay, but that would be a lie. You boys are going to sweat, submit and grow to hate me until you learn to love me because in order to lead, you must first master how to correctly follow. You boys are mine this summer so get rid of those skirts and trade them for a pair of balls.” The guy in the speaker finished with a taunting laugh which made me crack a tiny smile... But not many others felt the same.

A group of guys stood out from all the others. I could see them glowering at the speaker as if they could follow the voice to it's location and rip the man to shreds. One of them in particular caught my attention immediately. He was at least six two in height, muscles rippling along his bare arms in the undershirt while his jeans hugged his hips deliciously. My wolf howled in my head, my eyes zoning in on his every single feature. His hair was a dark dirty blond shaved barely to a prickly length, his face looked like it was carved by the devil himself, with a deep sharp jaw, and lips oh, dear god those lips were kissable from every angle. His skin was a dark caramel chocolate that screamed I'm either Italian or Indian. My face heated up and my wolf was growling in my head over and over again but I refused to act upon her request while she howled.

Mine! Mate. Claim him!! Claim him now!!- She growled. I gasped, because suddenly as if he heard my silent pleas, the dark man himself turned his gaze in my direction abruptly connecting with mine. His eyes were dark brown with a never ending black hole sucking me in them. I screamed at myself to look away, to just get out of this trance, but he held my gaze, those eyes filling with possession and the same need to pounce as I.

“Hello? Boy what you staring at?” I jumped at the sound of the old guy questioning me and quickly looked away from the Sexy temptation, desperate to conceal my fire burning bright. I had a purpose for being here and that wasn't to find my mate, it was to prove I am an alpha.

“Um nothing sir, do you happen to know where I'm staying here?” I asked, my throat was dry and added to the deeper sound of my voice.

He grunted a “Yeah, whatever.” and once again led me through the crowd. My panic spiked up when he lead me in the same direction my Candy bar boy which was a cabin that four other big guys happened to be heading towards.

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