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Emilys Pov

Oh no..I said to myself as I got Alisons text, I knew she'd want to speak to me about what happened but not this soon.

Where do you want to meet?

I quickly text back so nervous about what she'd reply with. Only to be disturbed by my message tone.

I'm on the way over, no escaping this time Em.

She wasn't signed off with Ali in any messages that I received in recent times maybe things will be okay? "FIELDS! Open up now!" And there she was already, she moves fast!

I opened up the door for her to push me out of the way "Yes Alison please do come in" I said sarcastically to her. "You know why I'm here Emily you need to talk and very soon!" Alison says to me with a strict look in her eye.

Alison's Pov

I know I shouldn't of signed off with Ali in the messages..stupid decision again when you going to start making smart ones?! A voice said inside my head. I ran through her door pushing her out of the way, again another stupid decision but I needed some truth!

"You know why I'm here Emily you need to talk and very soon!" I say to her. I see a slight look of fear flash in her eyes but I ignore it. "Alison I left because it was what was right!" "What was right Emily?! No you did what was convenient for you! You made me believe that you cared for me! That I mattered! But you left me without a goodbye without an explanation!" I was in tears at this stage I know I shouldn't of brought this on myself but I needed answers.

Emily's Pov

Alison was actually standing in my living room crying..I did this to such a fragile person, this is why I couldn't have Hanna even if she felt the same, I couldn't tear her down the way I tore Alison down. "Ali you're right, I did what was easy for me! I didn't think about your feelings as I left, I didn't think about us. I didn't think you needed me Ali you were fine before and why not after?! I was there for 2 months! Just 2! Did you think I could stay forever?! And we would live a happy life forever!? It's not a fairytale we don't all get happy endings, or at least the ones we want!" I shot back at her, she was in shock and to be honest I was in shock myself that I said what I said. I felt horrible but I said what had to be said and right then I felt the smack, she hit me? "Alison?" I said in awe that she actually hit me but I deserved it, right then she stormed out leaving me stand there by myself. Woah, is all I could get out, until I got a message.

I shouldn't of hit you I was angry but what you said was horrible!

I know Ali and I am sorry for how it ended..

Don't bother!

I texted the one person who could make me feel better..Hanna.

Hanna's Pov

I was sitting at home doing homework, that's what my mom thought I was doing when I was actually texting Aria and watching Americas Next Top Model. My phone beeped three times.

Hey Han I know this is sudden but can you come over I need a friend? X

Sure Em be over shortly. X

That was weird hope she's okay?

Han group sleepover Friday at mine? What yah think? I think I'll invite new girl Alison too!

Sounds amazing! I'm in!

Now I can't wait for Friday it's going to be perfect! Then I opened my last text..

Hey Hanna, can we meet up after school tomorrow? Go to the mall?

Hey Alison, I'm in I'd love to!

Now after all that I finally make my way to Emily's.

I got to Emilys and opened the door I knew her mom wasn't home. "Em I'm here?" I looked around and saw her on the sofa curled up, I ran to her and saw the mark across her face, "EMILY!? WHAT HAPPENED?!" I started getting worked up until I saw the tears run down her face..This was not a sight I was used to Emily holds her emotions together..or so I thought? My phone beeped again then, ugh very popular tonight..I said inside my head.

Omg Hanna look at this!

There's a picture attached so I click and it's the new Jimmy Choo shoes on sale tomorrow!

Aahhh we must get them! They are amazing! X

I got back to Emily, she didn't seem happy I was texting. "Em tell me what happened." I say to her caring, "no I'm sorry you can go home calling you was a mistake I'm fine!" She started to raise her voice so I raised mine back "Emily I care for you! And yet you don't tell me what happened when I see you cry and hurt you tell me you're fine?! You're far from it! I asked what happened when you got back from your holiday home and you shoot me out again saying you can't say! Secrets Emily! More and more! I can't deal with all of them! We're best friends we share everything but you can't even share your emotions!" I went to storm out of the house hurt by my own words that I tell her everything for nothing in return when she weakly says "Han please don't leave me..Please stay with me" and started crying hysterically. What have I done?

After half an hour of Emily crying she finally calmed. She wouldn't tell me what happened just kept repeating "it'll all be said In time I deserved it" but who deserves this? Nobody but she'd tell me in her own time though, I had to trust her. "Han? Will you s-stay the n-night?" She said nervously sniffling back her last few tears. "Course I will let me grab some clothes from mine and I'll be back." I left immediately.

An hour later I came back to Emily's porch and stepped inside to her making..pancakes? "Em are you honestly making pancakes at half 11?" I laughed at the thought. "Yes I am Han now come here!" I sat up on the counter..oh wow just looking at her with batter on her face and she looking so happy made me happy to be in her presence..I love her. I said in my own head.

How could I though? I'm straight. I like guys! But I love Emily! Yay a secret of my own to keep..going to be hard to keep this to myself."

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