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Five days. That's how long she was out. That's how long he sat by her side.

Michonne slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey there sleepy head."

Daryl said before going and getting Hershel.

"Hey Michonne. I don't know if Daryl here told you what happened."

"I know what happened. I gathered it from the pain in my lower abdomen." She said.

"Okay, well you cleared out okay. You should stay in bed a couple of days after this just so I can make sure you are fine. Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, it's okay Hershel." She said.

"Alright I'll send someone up with some food for you."

"Thank you." She said turning over.

"Yah had us all scared fer a moment there."

"I'M sure y'all wouldn't have missed me. I've been so mean."

"You were hurting. I ain't been Mr. Friendly myself either. Just know we here fer yah." He said squeezing her hand and noticing that he was still holding it.

"Yah think yah can eat som'n?"

"I can try." She said.

He helped her sit up while Beth brought in a tray of food.

"So you guys found a house?"

"More like a mansion. A couple actually. We are spread down the street. We blocked the roads off and we're gonna make this a community but we're going to let people do what they want. We used yer method of jawless, armless walkers and put them at both ends of the street. They surround each house on chains too. I think we'll be good. Plus the woods ain't too far out so we can still go hunting if we wanna." He said.

"We share rooms?"

"Yeah. It's Beth, Carol and lil Ass Kicker. Then Hershel, Rick and Carl. Sasha and Tyreese. Then me and you. I ain't think yah'd be comfortable with anybody else. But I can't speak fer yah so if yah want to change. I mean, yah can. Won't bother me none."

"I'd rather be with you. I know you won't bug me and it won't be awkward when it gets silent."

"Alright, well eat." He said pushing her plate towards her.

She picked up her fork and put the food in her mouth.

"Who cooked this?" She asked with a frown.

"I think Rick." He said.

She stifled a laugh.

"Okayyyyy. Well he can stick to being the good cop."

Daryl laughed aloud for the first time since Merle died.

"I'll just wait till Carol cooks."

She said with a laugh then a groan as she grabbed her stomach.

"Hey you rest okay? I'll be back soon. I'll bring you some better food." He said with a wink and walked out.

Michonne sat back, she had no idea she was pregnant and was glad she miscarried because she didn't think she could love his baby. She knew it wasn't the baby's fault the way it was made but she just couldn't bring herself to think of being a nurturing mother to a killer/rapist's baby. She was strong but God knew she wasn't that strong. Plus this was no place for another baby. They had enough already.

She knew everything had happened for the best and she was definitely okay with that.

She felt sleep overcome her again and drifted off.

"'Chonne. Hey, Hershel said yah gotta eat somethin." Daryl said lightly shaking her.

She opened her eyes to slits, closing them again before stretching, little soft feminine moans and groans filling the room.

She slid up in the bed pushing her dreads out of her face.

She smiled and stretched outward.

"I brought yah some rabbit. Carol made it. There is rice and green beans on the side."

"Now this is food." She said.

"Rick should take some pointers huh?"

"Definitely." She laughed.

He pulled out some blankets and spread them out on the floor.

"Don't sleep on the floor. This bed is more than big enough for the both of us. I don't want you on the floor. It's not good for your back." She said scooting to the other side of the bed.

He stood and climbed into the bed letting sleep claim him.


When he woke up, Michonne wasn't there.

He went downstairs and she was sitting in the kitchen watching with saddened amusement as Carol sang and bounced with a laughing Judith.

Carol was about to put Judith in her high chair when Michonne held her arms out.

"Can I hold her?"

"Sure." Carol said placing the baby girl in her arms.

Judith giggled and babbled grabbing one of Michonne's long dreads.

Michonne smiled and cooed at the smiling baby.

She began to bounce her on her knee and play pat-a-cake.

"You are a natural! Women are born with a maternal instinct."

"No I had two daughters before this."

Obviously, they didnt make it which created a silent awkwardness.

"I'm sorry. What were their names?" He asked trying to make the room lighter.

"Alannah Michelle and A'Lia Rose.

Alannah was eight and A'Lia was close to five. Alannah got sick first and then their father and A'Lia was never sick at all. I couldn't..." Her face frowned up and she handed Judith to Carol before going upstairs.

That was the only bit of information he'd ever heard about Michonne. It showed that she trusted them slightly now even if she didn't talk most of the time. And that's all that mattered.

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