In A World Of The Undead

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Michonne walked past him with her signature scowl, she'd been like that for a couple weeks now and he didn't blame her.

She'd lost the last person who meant something in her life at the hands of the person she hated the most.

Right after Andrea died she left and didn't come back until almost a whole week later, collapsing at the gate like when she first came. But this time it was Daryl who saved her not Rick.

When she came to three days later, she quietly let them know that they wouldn't have to worry about the governer anymore.

She slowly healed and was back to the quiet person she was. Only saying things when she absolutely had to.

She turned to look at him and he grabbed his bow coming along. They walked into the forest her slicing through the heads of the walkers with ease. She stopped and threw him a poncho and began to cover herself in walker blood cutting her eyes at him again. He walked up to the walker body and began to smear the smelly gook on him. Suddenly the walkers that were nearing towards them dispersed and went looking for other things to attack. They walked into the forest and began to look for things to hunt. By the time they were done they had two deer, five rabbits, and two porcupine. They dragged them to the gate where Carl let them in with a fire already going to smoke the meat and avoid it rotting. They got to work skinning and gutting the carcasses and hanging them up to smoke while Tyreese cut some steaks from the deer to eat tonight.

Michonne quietly crept to the showers going to wash all the dirt off of her body.

But that couldn't clean the dirt in her mind.

His hands on her body, violating her. Her arms in chains, helpless. Three days passed before Martínez found her and let her loose. She spent the next four days torturing him before he died from shock.

She'd thought it would make her feel better but it didn't.

She felt the hot tears make their way down her cheeks.

She leaned her head on the wall and let them fall freely. She heard footsteps walk in and didn't bother to turn around. They all made a vow to respect each others person while they were in the shower. She knew people probably snook a look. She didn't care, she wasn't ashamed of her body at all.

She didn't care who saw her crying either, she just hoped they wouldn't go telling the whole group.

Daryl walked into the shower hearing the most pitiful sobs seeing Michonne hunched on the wall sobbing.

He grabbed a towel and walked over wrapping it around her for decency against his naked body before pulling her into his arms and sinking to the floor with her. He sat under the stream of water with her while she cried into his chest.

He didn't ask questions, he already knew the answers. When Hershel examined her they found out why she was gone for so long.

He'd seen the bruises on her wrists. On the insides of her thighs. Places where they shouldn't have been.

So he sat there and let her cry, nothing but the sound of her sobs and the running water filling the room.

She looked up with a scowl and stood up wringing her hair out and pulling her hair up in a messy bun.

She pulled her towel tighter and walked out.

He found her outside eating silently away from the group.

He sat next to her with his food.

"I won't ask yah if yur okay cuz I know yah ain't. But uh if you wanna talk an' stuff I'm here."

She looked at him her eyes soft but her face still hard.

The night went by and she went to the watch tower.

"Daryl, watch her okay? You seem to be the only person she is comfortable with." Rick said.

He watched her slow sashaying walk as she walked to the watch tower.

He ran up to her.

"Hey, Rick wants me to watch with you."

"No he wants you to watch me. I'm not suicidal, I just don't want to be bothered anymore." She said.

He reached out and grabbed her arm not even flinching when she gave her signature cold stare.

He pulled her to the tower and pulled her into a hug.

She stiffened and then slowly the tension left her body and lay her head on his shoulders slowly wrapping her arms around him.

"Yah hurtin' us Michonne, Carl is real worried bout yah. I'm worried bout yah. I wish I coulda killed the bastard myself for doin that to yah. I'm sorry. Yah can talk tah me okay? I meant what I said. I'm here for yah if yah need me." He said feeling satisfied when he felt her nod.

"Daryl? Look." She said.

He turned and saw a huge horde of walkers coming towards the open! gate.

"Shit!" He yelled as they ran to the gate with walkers pouring through.

"Daryl it's too many! We just gotta get out of here!" She said running towards the prison and getting everybody. They put everybody they could in the trucks and on the bus. Daryl and Michonne stood back to back her sword in hand and an Ak in his. They went to work.


He ran off and hopped on his bike grabbing her by the waist as he went and didn't speed until he felt her flip onto the seat. She held onto him as they zoomed off.

They caught up to the group later.

"Who left the gate open?"

"I did. I went out to try to hunt and I guess I forgot." Carl said.

"Dammit Carl, you could have gotten us all killed! What were you thinking?" Rick yelled.

"Rick, stop yelling at him! It was an honest mistake. He is just trying to impress you because you haven't paid any attention to him. He needs you, you are still his father, and the only person he has left. He's had to mature but he's still a kid. You are being so hard on him and you baby him at the same time. None of us have parents and you are ruining his relationship he had with his last one living!" Michonne screamed. She threw her hands in the air and walked off slicing walker heads as she went.

"I don't think she meant to scream it but she's right Rick. You are all he's got left." Daryl said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Carl."

Carl nodded his head and went back to the car.

"Daryl go get Michonne. We are going to have to find somewhere else to stay."

"What about Woodbury?" Carol suggested.

"Are you stupid? Do you know how many bad memories are there. No." Daryl said going after Michonne.

"Michonne. Wait up."

She spun around with the coldest stare he'd ever seen.

"Michonne don't shut me out."

"Who says I let you in in the first place?" She said sitting letting her head hang.

She felt like she was losing her mind. She was supposed to be strong.

She stood up and emptied her stomach next to the tree.

He came up behind her patting her back and pulling her dreads out of her face.

When she was finished he have her his water and let her rinse her mouth out. She groaned and fell into him grabbing her lower abdomen and that's when he noticed the blood on the crotch of her pants.

He swooped her light frame up and ran with her to the group.

Hershel knew what was happening as soon as he saw her.

Michonne was having a miscarriage.

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