awkward moments part. I lost count. Sports Edition!

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Hey guys! Long time no, read? Meh. Whatever. So basically I came back from basketball practice and my feet are disintegrating, and my arms are falling off so I'm using this speech to text thing. I WILL NOT GO OVER THIS, I'm soo tired and I've given up. So here it is!

216. That awkward moment when you drink 7 liters of water trying to cool down.

217. That awkward moment when the coach is having a bad day so he makes you have a bad day

218. That awkward moment when the coach knows you, like family well. And he won't shut up about it.

219. That awkward moment when the coach gets an assistant who doesn't know anything about the sport.

220. That awkward moment when everyone is skinnier than you

221. That awkward moment when you want to give up but you're not allowed too.

222. That awkward moment when this is a big chapter.

223. That awkward moment when your coach won't let you sit.

224. That awkward moment when you didn't bring water.

225. That awkward moment when someone else drinks your water.

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