Tent (english version)

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   All of the students of the 7th grade of Anchor Beach are in a school trip since the beginning of the week and they'll go back home on the next day. During the week everyone has chores to do everyday to make sure everyone does something. Tonight Jude and Connor are on dish-washing duty after they eat dinner with Taylor and Daria they go to the kitchen where Lena is waiting for them. She explain to them where they need to put away the dishes and the flatware.

"You need to wash the dishes, dry it and tidy it up flatware must be put in the drawers here. She shows them the cupboard. And you put plates in the cupboard. It's okay ?"

"Yes." They answer at the same time.

"Good. After that it will be time to go to bed. We will come to check if everything is alright here before you can go to your tent."

"Okay." Says Jude.

Lena leaves the kitchen and goes join the rest of the group. Connor begins to wash the dishes.

"Do you want me to do it ?" Asks Jude.

"No it's okay. But can you please dry and tidy up the dishes at the same time ?"

"Sure no problem. But we can switch after if you want ?"

"Okay I'll do a half and you'll do the other half."

"It works for me."

They are washing dishes silently when Connor splashes Jude unintentionally by dropping a fork in the water. So Jude grabs an other fork and drop it in the water to splash Connor. They are doing a sort of battle water when one of the supervisor goes into the kitchen.

"What's going on where ? You're not where to have fun, get back to work."

"Yes madam." They answer together.

She stays in the room to make sure they are doing their chores. When she finally decides to leave Connor says to Jude.

"This isn't over !"

"I'm waiting."

"We will settle that in the tent later."

"We'll see."

Once they are done with the dishes they go back to their tent, they get on pajamas actually it's more like Jude getting on his pajamas and Connor watching him and trying to put his on at the same time. When Jude realizes that Connor is watching him, he heads down and blushes because at lot of stuff is going through his head right now. The supervisors had already star checking the tents to make sure everyone is in so Connor hurries to put his pajamas on and to get into his sleeping bag, Jude is already in his. Lena came by to check their tent.

"Everything's fine there ?"


"Okay, time to sleep now."

"Got it." Says Connor.

Later when the supervisors have finished checking the tents and have gone to their own Connor turn on the flashlight and lights Jude to annoy him.

"What are you doing ?"

"Getting revenge from earlier."

"By not letting me sleep ?"


"Very funny ! Stop it."

The thing is Connor is not really in the mood to stop so Jude gets off his sleeping bag and jumps on Connor trying to tickle him. Unfortunately Connor has advantage over him and Jude ends up below his best friend which holds him by the wrists. For seconds that seems hours the two of them stared at each other in the light of the flashlight, Connor feels the warm growing up inside him and without thinking he kisses Jude. Against all odds Jude kisses him back Connor let go of Judes hands and puts his hands on his friend's chest. The kiss lasts a long time until they hear a supervisor coming back Jude pull away and gets back in his sleeping bag while Connor turns down the flashlight and fakes to sleep. After checking the tent again the supervisor leaves and none of the boys know what to say so they end up sleeping thinking softly about each other.


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