Running Off Again

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Gracie sits on one of the tree branches above her tree house. 22:23 

Jo passes out in the bathroom 22:23 

Andrea pets Dipwad and rubs her eyes. "Did I used to drink a lot?" 22:25 

Katy: Define "a lot" 22:25 

Andrea: Um, to the point of getting drunk.. 22:26 

Katy: I think you did a few times. That's why Lilly and you were in your little battle for the alcohol 22:26 

Andrea: She's only like eleven.. 22:27 

Katy: Oh she didn't want to drink it. She just wanted to get rid of it so you wouldn't get drunk 22:27 

Brendan opens Gracie's skylight and finally finds her. "There you are!" 22:28 

Bo wiggles his ears 22:28 

Gracie jerks a little and then looks down. "Yeah..." 22:28 

Brendan starts climbing up. "I was looking for you." 22:29 

Bo nudges Andrea's hand in the hopes of getting pet 22:29 

Gracie: I don't need you babysitting me and spending time with me all the time, Brendan. 22:29 

Andrea scratches behind Bo's ears. "That's dumb. I should be able to do whatever I want" 22:29 

Bo wags his tail and lets his tongue hang out 22:30 

Katy shrugs "She just wanted to keep her friend from hurting herself." 22:30 

Brendan: He's got Anna to spend time with.. 22:34 

Blazie joined the chat Apr 5 

Gracie: That's beside the point! He needs his older brother, you idiot! 22:34 

Andrea nods. "I don't want to remember anymore anyway." 22:34 

Katy: I can understand that 22:35 

Andrea: I don't like what I remember. 22:35 

Anna is out in the woods... 22:35 

Anna has rope 22:35 

Anna ties each rope on a branch from tree to tree... 22:36 


Anna swings from rope to rope 22:36 

Katy: Neither do I, but remembering is important 22:36 

Anna: I'M TARZANNN POOCHES!!!!!! 22:36 

Brendan pinches the bridge of his nose. "Gracie, I'm there for him. Trust me. But I also want to be there for you." 22:36 

Andrea shakes her head. "I don't want to." 22:37 

Katy: Me neither 22:37 

Blazie becomes a sparrow in mid-flight when he sees Gracie and dives down, landing on her shoulder. 22:37 

Andrea: I'm not going to. 22:38 

Katy: It would be best if you did 22:38 

Gracie glances at Blazie. "Turn into a dragon." 22:38 

Andrea: It scares me 22:38 

Katy: I know. I have plenty of memories that scare the living daylights out of me. But if you refuse to remember, you put my family in danger and I can't have that 22:39 

Blazie leaps off her shoulder and lands below, landing as a dragon. 22:39 

Gracie leaps off and lands on Blazie. "Come on. Let's go." 22:40 

Andrea: You can't make me remember if I don't want to. Apr 5 

Brendan: Gracie, wait! 22:40 

Blazie takes off with Gracie. 22:40 

Katy: I wouldn't make you remember 22:40 

Andrea: So then if I refuse to remember what would you do? 22:40 

Gracie: I'll be back in a few days! I just need to be alone. I'm sorry! 22:41 

Katy: I would debate between a few different things 22:41 

Brendan tries chasing after Blazie and Gracie. 22:41 

Andrea: Like? 22:41 

Katy: Well I could kill you 22:41 

Andrea shrinks back into the couch 22:42 

Katy: I could have Lilly take you out to live with Elaine 22:42 

Brendan stops, realizing they are too far and too high now. 22:42 

Brendan: Shit. 22:42 

Katy: I could lock you up in one of my safe houses 22:42 

Andrea shakes her head 22:43 

Katy: I could have Alice re-hijack you so we can mess up your mind and then send you back to a random District 22:43 

Brendan punches a tree and sighs when he doesn't see his knuckles turn red and when he doesn't feel the pain. 22:44 

Andrea hugs Dipwad and cringes 22:44 

Katy: I'm sure I could try to think of other options, but ultimately it's up to you 22:45 

Andrea shakes her head and glares at the floor 22:45

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