Batman & Robin

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Alice hums as she watches the fire 0:04 

Anna walks out the door 0:04 

Andrea shrugs and moves closer to Derrick. "Did you ever find out who sent him?" 0:05 

Anna runs around 0:07 

Alice sees people walking out of the treehouse 0:07 

Alice turns over the meat 0:08 

Derrick shakes his head. "No, but I figure I'll find out when we get deeper into the rebellion." Feb 18 

Baden follows Gracie and Anna out. 0:08 

Andrea nods. "Who do you think?" 0:09 

Alice tosses more sticks on the fire 0:10 

Andrea joined the chat 0:10 

Derrick: I have no idea. I doubt my dad hates me enough to want me dead... Who knows? Maybe they somehow anticipated I'd somehow be the one to get the rebellion going... 0:10 

Anna: Now what?! 0:10 

Gracie sees Alice not that far away and grimaces. 0:10 

Andrea: I don't think anyone's parents could send an assassin after their kid... Was he really that bad? 0:11 

Alice keeps her head down 0:11 

Gracie sighs. "There's Alice. We need to go talk to her. Come on." 0:12 

Baden takes Anna's hand again. 0:12 

Alice checks the meat 0:12 

Anna holds Badens hand walks over 0:13 

Derrick shakes his head. "No, he wasn't. He just didn't care enough. He ... he'd leave me alone for days at a time sometimes. He never did anything to hurt me directly though. And there was still always someone looking after me at my house." 0:13 

Gracie: Hello, Alice. Anna, Baden, Lilly, and Zoe are going to join is in training from now on. I thought you should know. 0:14 

Gracie keeps her hands in her pockets. 0:15 

Alice puts a few more sticks on the fire 0:15 

Alice: Good. I was hoping you guys would come to a decision on that quickly 0:15 

Andrea nods. "That's no fair. I don't think he would hurt you on purpose though.." 0:15 

Alice: Do you know if Andrea or Lilly told Jo about the hovercraft yet? 0:16 

Gracie: Uh .... no, what hovercraft? The one I never use in the basement of the old mansion? 0:17 

Alice: No, a different hovercraft. A Pk was here yesterday. Anna, how are you after that? 0:18 

Derrick folds his arms up and looks up at the ceiling. "Yeah, I don't think so either... Andrea, I feel like I should tell you something..." 0:18 

Andrea lays her head on her arms and looks at him. "What is it?" 0:21 

Derrick wraps an arm around Andrea's waist. "Before I met you, I was thinking about killing myself.... and even a bit after that, I was still thinking it." 0:22 

Andrea blinks. "You... You were?" 0:24 

Baden smiles and runs his thumb over Anna's hand again while he holds it. 0:24 

Alice: Once you're trained up a bit more you won't have to worry 0:25 

Anna: Well I did take the hovercraft down 0:25 

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