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I forgot that people ignore wall posts on this app, so I guess an author's note *sigh* is necessary.

One, sorry if you thought this was a chapter update.

Two, I've been on a small hiatus from the end of June til about the first week of July or so, which is why you haven't gotten an update.

Three, I plan on writing about 3-4 books, and possibly rewriting my other book "Hired into Love, which brings me to the main reason for this A/N:

I may not be able to update frequently, again I'm not done with this book, but I,want to give the same level of effort and time to each novel I am writing right now.

I want to improve on my writing and the best way to do that is to write, so I'm focusing on different books and sort of learning at the same time.

It might seem kind of ridiculous to write more than one book at the same time but if I focus on writing one project I get a little bored, so I'm dabbling in fan fiction for fun.

Don't get discouraged, I'm only a teen. I get busy and sometimes I get writer's block.

I just want y'all to know I'm not just throwing out updates whenever or giving up on this book.

Thank you all for reading, my lovelies :)

I hope you guys enjoy the next chapter, I'm gonna try and make it sweet and interesting ;)

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