Part 1

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Everyone has that one day where their lives are forever changed, that one day where trust is put to the test. For my classmates and I that day happened one night at the end of the summer before senior year. The night where a harmless campfire went wrong. The night where I realized no one can be trusted.

I followed Danny through the wood's with Cami and Addison on both sides of me. We each carried a duffel bag for the weekend, a pillow or two and a sleeping bag.

"I don't think it's much further, you girls good back there?" He calls over his shoulder as we all laugh.

"You're more girly than any of us Danny boy!" Addison reminds him. Danny is our gay best friend. I've known him since kindergarten as he is my next-door neighbor. He has curly dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. He is all girls dream guy but unavailable to the female population.

"How is it you're leading us and not Kylie?" Cami jokes "Her family does camp in these woods every summer."

"She asked me to lead." Danny laughs along with us. I was having a bad feeling about this weekend.

"How did we end up getting into this again?" I ask them as they all stop and look at me.

"It's tradition for the seniors to camp out here the weekend before school starts. And we are not going to be the losers who say no!" Cami throws her arm over my shoulders.

"You're not scared, are you?" Danny asks. He uses a sarcastic voice and chuckles after asking me.

"Of course not. Come on Kylie, Taylor told me Tyler has a tent set up for the two of you already and is eager to see you." Addison smiles her mischievous smile. I smile at her; Tyler was my boyfriend of nearly three years. He had brown hair that fell just above his glowing green eyes. He was just as excited as everyone else for the campfire whereas I was nervous. But I put on my famous fake smile and laughed as we kept walking through the trees.

Soon enough we hear laughter and people talking and I see a clearing just through some more trees up ahead. Addison and Cami start getting excited.

"And ladies we have arrived at our destination!" Danny exclaims. He gives an exaggerated bow. Addison just rolls her eyes with a smile as Cami laughs.

"Thanks Danny!" I throw my arms around him in a big hug. He smiles at me and hugs me back.

"Sure, thing sweetheart." He winks playfully at me. "Now go! Tyler is watching us waiting for you."

I smile and walk over to Tyler. Taylor is standing next to him. Taylor is Tyler's childhood best friend. She has long blonde hair that always lays in curls and bright blue eyes. She is skinnier than me as well. When Tyler and I got together I always worried that he would dump me to be with her. I mean she's drop dead gorgeous with her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. One day Taylor sat with me during lunch and Addison mentioned that I was worried about her, and Tyler and she assured me that Tyler is like her brother and that she could never date him.

"Hey beautiful." Tyler says as he wraps his arms around my waist and gives me a gentle kiss.

"Hey there." I smile at him.

"Yay your finally here!" Taylor throws her arms around me. "So, me and Cory will be sleeping in your tent with you guys."

Cory was a guy she started dating at the beginning of summer. He was a good friend of Danny's as well.

"So, everything's going well with Cory?" I ask her. I was the one who set her up.

"Perfect." She smiles as her blue eyes twinkle in excitement.

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