#2 1D preferences - You Drown and He Saves You

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Can someone please commnet/message me a request? As long as it isn't death, I'll accept it!



I had been dating Harry for a while now and had gotten really close to the other boys and their girlfriends. So, for the annual 'band' holiday, Harry decided to invite me along. They had decided to go to Hawaii for a week this year. We had been here for a couple of days now, but no one really wanted to go shopping or sightseeing today, so we just decided on a lazy day. So, that was how I ended up lounging by the side of the pool in a lounge chair, wearing a bikini and my sunglasses, reading a book.

We had been at the side of the pool for about an hour and a half so far. A deck chair away from me, Sophia and Liam were giggling and throwing white blobs of sunscreen at each other. They really were an adorable couple and I couldn't help but smile at their cute couple moment. Zayn and Perrie were still up in their room, hopefully coming down soon because I got on really well with Perrie and needed some girl talk right now. Louis and Niall were messing around in the pool, splashing each other and the other hotel guests with water. Harry had only just realised that we both had forgotten our phones in the room, so he went up to get them, Eleanor tagging along because she wanted to grab a magazine and a towel for Louis. It would probably take them ten minutes to get their things.

I had just gotten back into my book, when a shadow appeared above me, covering my book in darkness. I looked up at who was creating the shade, shielding my face with my hand from the blazing sun. Niall and Louis were standing above me, dripping water which puddled around their feet, and their hair every which way.

"Why are you not in the pool, Y/N?" Niall asked.

"Don't feel like it," I replied. The truth was, was that I can't swim and am absolutely terrified of water, but I had only told Harry that because he was my boyfriend, although I was too embarrassed to tell anyone else.

"You haven't got into the pool since we got here," Louis interjected.

I shook my head and looked down at my book again. "I really don't feel like it."

I heard Niall sigh above me, then someone picked me up bridal style, which I found out was Louis. I gave a squeal. As he started walking towards the pool, I begged him to let me down, to not do it, clinging onto him for literally dear life. Obviously, he didn't listen to me, probably only thinking that I didn't want to get my hair wet.

I screamed as I was unceremoniously dropped into the pool, Liam giving a shout.

As I had been screaming when I'd landed in the water, I hadn't been able to breathe in and hold my breath. My lungs were filling up with water, which I couldn't help. I was thrashing around, trying to find purchase anywhere, however, because I had been thrown into the middle of the pool, I couldn't. My toes were brushing the pool's tiled floor as I began to sink down. I could feel my lungs collapsing in, or it could have been because I was having a panic attack as well.

As everything went dark, there was a splash near me. All I could think about was that I would never get to tell Harry that I loved him again.


"Come on, Y/N, sweetheart. Please baby," a slow, husky voice pleaded above me, a weight continually pressing down on my chest. "Y/N, breathe baby," the voice again pleaded.

Suddenly, the pressure stopped at my chest, instead someone was blowing into my mouth. I tried to grab onto the delicious oxgen, but my lungs just couldn't. Again, the voice swore and blew.

Finally, my lungs did catch it and I breathed in deeply, however the water bubbled in my lungs. I opened my eyes wide in panic and large hands grabbed my waist, flipping me onto my stomach. Then, they lifted me onto my hands and knees, two arms wrapping securely around my waist to hold me up. I was able to, thankfully, cough up all the water now, in a more comfortable position.

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