#1 5SOS preference - How You Met

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Wow, it's been so long since I've updated this! I don't even know if people are reading this, but if you are, I'm so sorry!

Anyway, this is using the chat up lines from the sugarscape interview, just so you know.



I was sitting on a barstool, ordering myself something to drink. I was at a club somewhere, I'm not sure where. My friends had ordered me to dress up and took me to a nightclub, as they said I was too anti-social. It's not exactly my fault that there is a lot to do for the courses I'm taking at university. Anyway, they had, had me up dancing since we got into the club and I was only now escaping their clutches, absolutely ready to get a drink. I was also biding my time to see when I could get out of here. I was thinking between five and ten minutes. If they saw me getting what looked like alcohol, they would definitely let me go home. So, I ordered a coke, but told the bartender to make it look like alcohol, but specifically no alcohol actually in it. So, he gave me a coke, but frizzed up the top, so it looked like a beer. So, now, I was a single lady in a bar stool, wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt because I thought we were just going out to dinner, with a beer on the glass mat in front of me.

I don't think I'm getting someone tonight.

After a wee while, a group of four boys sat down beside me. We ignored each other. They ordered their drinks, which was actually alcohol, and just sat on the barstools, laughing amongst themselves. Then, my group of three friends came over and asked me to join them on the dance floor again. However, I didn't really want to get up there again, stuck between sweaty bodies, not able to breathe. I was only 5'4", so it seemed like everyone was pressing in on me. So, I politely declined by saying I just wanted to finish my drink, then I might be back up again. They sighed, but went back on the dance floor.

I sat on my lonesome for a few more minutes, eavesdropping into the lad's conversation. They didn't sound from here, but I was always really bad with accents, so I guessed they were either from New Zealand or Australia. Eventually, a group of three girls came up to them. I listened as they invited the boys up onto the dance floor. Out of my peripheral view, three of the boys got up to accompany the girls. I felt sorry for the one who was left behind, who softly declined. When his friends had left, he twisted his barstool around, so it was facing the bar, just like mine. We were both sitting in silence for a few seconds, both looking straight ahead. This was getting uncomfortable now, so I turned to him, intending to make a conversation, because it felt like we should.

"Where you from?" I asked because the accent thing was getting a bit on my nerves. Then, I mentally face-palmed. Smooth, Y/N, smooth.

He swivelled his chair slightly towards me and gave me this slightly confused look. I was sort of surprised by how good looking he was. He was absolutely adorable and I couldn't believe he was just sitting here, instead of up there dancing, because believe me he could have any girl he wanted. His hair was wavy brown and sort of tied back with a bandanna. His eyes were hazely browny greeny, and I could look into them forever and ever.

"Um, Australia. Where are you from?" he answered, now looking at me like I was some physco.

"Here," I replied. I was wracking my brains for something else to say, which hopefully wouldn't embarrass me again.

When, out of no where, this dude came up and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Come on, it's time to go home, sweetheart," he said to me. His breath stank of beer and I almost heaved.

"Excuse me, I don't know who you are," I replied, looking up at him, trying to be as polite as possible: maybe I looked like someone from behind? "Now, please remove your hand."

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