Chapter Ten

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Hey guys, I'm sorry that my chapters are so short, but it's because I had them clumped up in pretty large portions, so when I split them, they just became this short. ^^"

And sorry that it takes me forever to update and that my chapters and my story is still going kind of slow-paced.

But if you're reading, thank you SO much for spending the time! >.<

I love you guys so much!!!! >.<

I wake up in the morning to feel small tendrils of yellow warmth on my face.

Huh? Oh, its morning.

I yawn and rub my eyes, wondering why Tony hasn’t called yet. Even when we’d get into bad arguments before, Tony would call in the morning – of course, sometimes, I just chose to ignore his call.

I got up, stretching and kicking my legs, trying to work the kinks out of them from sleeping in a cramped position.

“Oh, silly me,” I say under my breath as I pull my blinds up.

It’s a beautiful morning, with golden light pouring over the blacktop and leaving dappled shadows over the front lawn. All my worries and sorrow of the previous day just seemed to wash away and disappear.

Alright, Im ready for a new day! I think, determined.

I’ve always been a morning person – a new dawn was the closest thing you could get to a clean slate, almost like an restart. Almost. The beginning of the day always seemed to be full of possibilities, presenting themselves one by one, then by the hundreds as the rays of the sun touched the land around me.

I look down at the clothes I’m wearing and realize I never changed yesterday. My hoodie is wrinkled and my jeans won’t work for another day. I’m almost in a panic as I dive into my closet trying to find a new outfit for today – if I’m Jake’s fake girlfriend, I have to look the part at least.

While I’m parting aside a rack and ransacking my semi-neat shelves, my phone falls out of the pocket of my jeans and I almost don’t stop to pick it up, until I see the screen.

The display almost glows up at me benevolently. It’s only six. I rub my eyes, thinking I must be imagining things, but when I cover my eyes, the number hasn’t changed. A six and two zeros greet my eyes. I’m amazed. The last time I woke up this early and could do my hair and everything and still have time to spare for myself was when I was twelve. A thousand other possibilities race through my mind as I think of what I could do with this time.

I kneel down on the floor of my closet, and clutch my phone reverently, almost afraid that if I even touched it with too much force, the clock would suddenly blink out and go, ‘Oh, this was all an illusion. It’s 8 and you’re LATE!’

I unlock the screen a moment later, knowing I don’t have any time to waste. I dial Ria’s familiar number, fingers almost shaking. “Ria, get your butt over here! You were going to make me gorgeous today right?”

“Erh?” she sounds half-asleep and almost surprised. “Al, is that you?”

“Yes, sleepyhead! Now, get your butt over here!”


I laughed. Ria had another habit of using random curses that just didn’t fit together when she was surprised and caught off guard.

“So, can I take that as you’re coming over?”

Ria sounded fully awake now, and I could hear drawers banging and doors slamming. “Hurn on! I’ll be righ there!” her voice was distorted, and I knew she probably had something in her mouth – either food or some kind of beauty product because her hands were full.

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