Chapter Six

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My eyebrows shoot up into an inquisitive state.

“And what is this favor?”

I was barely able to say those words without a stammer, with Jake’s close proximity to me, and my head still fuzzy from waking up.

“Well,” he said, drawing even closer to me, “I want you to –“

Before he could finish, the nurse from before comes around the glass separating the cots from the rest of the room and yells, “Girl with the migraine, it’s time to wake up! Rise and shine!” Her voice definitely sounds a lot more energetic now. I grumble and groan. Now she was energetic?

I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed that Jake wasn’t sitting on, and smoothed over my rumpled clothes.

“Look, I gotta go,” I say hurriedly to Jake. “I’m going to be late.”

“Just say you might need to lie for a little longer.”

“Migraine girl?” the nurse calls again and my eyes dart furtively between Jake and the thin, translucent partition separating the main part of the nurse’s office from the cot area.

I make a split second decision, and I don’t know if I regret it or not.

“I still don’t feel well, can I lie here a little longer?”

The shadow of her head tilts, and then after a second of decision-making, she says, “Okay sweetie, if you’re certain. Leave when you’re ready, okay?”

“Okay.” I turn to Jake and while unwrapping a pack of saltines that were on the corner of the cot, I tell him to explain what this is all about.

“You – well – I,” he hesitates for a second. “There’s no easy way to really ask this, because it’s just awkward.”

I say nothing, and the room is silent for a moment, with just the faint sound of my teeth biting down on the crackers.

“Okay, so you know how there are a lot of girls around me, and how to always ask me to be their boyfriend and everything?” There’s a hint of pride and arrogance in  his voice as he says this.

I nod slowly, still chewing. The crackers are turning to mush now.

“Well, some of them are getting a little physical and I need to do something to stop them, so I thought if I got a girlfriend…”

I swallow the remains of the saltine, and open the lid of the little tuna container while popping another cracker into my mouth with a crunch.

“And you might be wondering what this has to do with you…”

I nod again, and feel totally comfortable, sitting up there against the wall, just listening to Jake. I wasn’t sweating in buckets, and my heart wasn’t dancing like it usually did – I was just comfortable.

 “So, I need a girlfriend, and Ally, will you be my girlfriend?”

My jaw literally drops, and I had to slap my hands over it to cover the food I was chewing.

My pulse started rocketing past what’s probably healthy, and blood was rushing through my head.

“You what?!” I shriek as soon as it’s possible.

“Sweetie, you alright in there?” I hear a trace of suspicion in her voice, and I panic. It’s not exactly normal to scream ‘you what’ in an infirmary where everybody was supposed to be resting.

“Yea, sorry, I sometimes…you know. I just have random outbursts.” I know that’s not very convincing, but I never could lie that successfully on the spot.

“Well, if you say so.” The nurse doesn’t really sound convinced, but I hear her footsteps fading away, and I wipe the sweat off my brow. I hadn’t even realized I was sweating.

“Allie, I’m not kidding. I want you to be my girlfriend.” Jake draws my attention back to him, and my face flushes red, and I feel even hotter.

This isnt a dream right? I move my right hand as subtly as possible to my left wrist and pinch it. Jake chuckles, a wonderful and low sound that makes me feel proud to have caused.

“This isn’t a dream, no. I am asking you to be my girlfriend, for the third time.”


I was slowly coming to terms that this was reality and Jake Hoxier was seriously sitting on the same bed (well, cot really) as me and asking me to be his girlfriend. It certainly wasn’t for the traditional reasons, but even being a pretend girlfriend was better than anything I’d ever daydreamed.

“First of all, you’re very pretty. Second of all, you seem perfect for the job. Third of all, you’re not the type of girl who would actually fall in love with me, right? So it’d just be pretend through all of it.”

Wait, was he kidding here? I wouldn’t fall in love with him? Before I could step in and correct him, Jake continued, “I’m pretty sure you’re already in love with Tony, so you wouldn’t love me, which means you are just perfect for the job!”

“Wait a second…what do you mean I love Tony?”

The smirk comes to his face. “Please don’t tell me you just can’t tell.”

“Oh, and a guy like you can tell?”

“I see girls throw themselves at me all day. I know these things.”

I think it over, and though a bit peeved at the Tony angle, decide there’s nothing bad with the offer exactly.

“Okay, fine. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Jake’s signature grin lights up his face, and I feel a sense of pride knowing that I brought it out, for the second time in half an hour. Then the smirk comes back, and he says proudly, almost with as much pride as I feel, “I told you this was an offer you couldn’t turn down.”

I give him a quick peck on the cheek, and grab my backpack, ready to go to class.

“We’re a couple, starting now.” I give my own devilish grin as I walk out.

A/N : I realize my sections/chapters are getting shorter and stuff, but I hope they're still as good! ^^

If you've read to this chapter, I seriously thank you and love you all so much! <3 I just absolutely CANNOT believe I have 507 reads - well, some of it came from some serious promoting, but both of you guys, Wattpaders and Muzyers - you are all just wonderful.

Thank you so much for the support, and I just want to say, eventually, I'll remove these, and just make a big, long giant acknowledgements page. :D

And guys, please don't be silent readers - tell me you're there! Give some sign of life! ;) I would love any votes or comments, just a simple hi or a critique, I appreciate ALL feedback, and feel free to message me anytime!

PEACE Y'ALL, in the words of Ria! ;)

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