The Wolf Finds The Moors

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It's been ten years since my parents died and the last pack of wolves became extinct, but not a day has passed that I haven't tried to find another pack or at least another wolf like myself. although to no surprise I haven't found anything. Nope, nothing. The last place I am going to look is the moors. The place I have avoided due to so many creatures that could practically sense what I was if I step over the border. But now I must enter and look.

*One day later*

The moors. Standing at the edge makes me want to turn tail and run but my wolf makes me stay taking control she shifts us into our wolf form before giving me control again. I take a taintive step into the border before I see a guardian heading my way and I turn and run. As im about to head back and face my fears i feel a cage drop from the tree I'm under and before I have time to move it traps me. I begin to panick thinking of what happenes to caged wolves. As I start to turn in circles to try and find my way out some farmers come out.

"I bet this'un 'ill fetch a pretty price on the market."

"I bet she will indeed father."

The taller of the two, who im guessing is the father takes a knife out and starts towards me. I give a growl making him stager and a look of fear flashes in his eyes before it's replaced by determination.

"Quiet now doggy this'll only sting a lot."

He tried to sound calming but this just mad my wolf angrier and she was trying to resume control.

*See what happenes when i give you control Ali. Just let me have it it'll be over in an instant.*

~No Ellia we dont harm humans remember~

*But he's going to kill us!*

~So be it~

I laid down showing him my neck as a sighn of submission. This only made her (my wolf) more enraged. As he neared the cage I sent a silent prayer to my parents saying I would see them soon, but before he could get close enough to kill me a black raven swooped down and stole his knife.

"Son thats that demon raven we talked about! Run forget the black wolf and run!"

With that they turned and sprinted down the country side leaving me stuck in the rusted silver cage which contrary to popular belief didn't hurt me at all wolves are like faries only iron can take our powers which is why when the human keep us as pets they give us iron collars and muzzles. Before i had anymore time to think of an escape maleficent appeared from the tree line the followed by what the farmer described as the demon raven. My wolf would have growled as the raven gave the iron knife (with a leather covered handle) to maleficent while she walked gracefully over to her, but all i could do was whimper and move to the edge of the cage in hopes to escape.

"Do not be afraid little one for i bring no harm or ill will."

With that she reached the cage cutting the binding leather of the cage with the knife. When she finished opening the trap she stood back so that i could exit. Upon exiting i shifted back (although myth says we change back naked thats only During your first couple shifts) i looked at maleficent with respect and happiness.

"Thank you my Queen and to you raven." I spoke with as much eloquence as I could muster up and bowed slightly.

"Need not bow dear. Would you like to stay for dinner?" She then started walking deeper into the forest expecting me to catch up.

Sorry I haven't updated regularly I will try to update more often now...

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