Chapter 3 : Chaya

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I was shivering and my teeth were chattering in fright as the train left the warm and homely station of Amsterdam, which I feared I would never see again. My brain was still registering the unexpected events of this morning. I tried to fall asleep, as I was unbelievably tired despite the fact that it was still early afternoon. It seemed like hours until I finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

My dream -or nightmare rather- was a flashback of this morning. I could clearly remember waking up very early in the morning - probably around three - to get the living room ready for my brother’s birthday party. I walked over to Myriam’s bed to wake her up but she was already awake and waiting. We both made our way towards our parents’ bedroom but they didn’t wake up so we decided to decorate the living room ourselves. I rushed to the attic to get the decorations. I cursed myself for forgetting to bring a source light as the attic was pitch black and it was impossible for me to see a thing. I had to feel my way around to find the large, dusty cardboard box where we stored all our decorations. It didn't take me long to find as I knew the room exceedingly well. Using all my strength, which really wasn’t that much, I lifted it up and carried it downstairs. By the time I reached Myriam, who was waiting impatiently, I was already out of breath and panting.

Together Myriam and I transformed the plain living room into every child's paradise. By the end, we were quite satisfied with ourselves. We both stood in one corner of the room looking around and admiring our own work.

“The cake!” Myriam exclaimed, suddenly remembering the cake we had made yesterday. She rushed into the kitchen to retrieve it. Within a few moments she returned with a cake that was larger than her head. Our brother, who had a serious sweet tooth, would definitely love it. As if on cue, my parents rushed into the room apologising for waking up so late. It appeared we had spent an hour decorating.

We knew our brother would wake up in an hour. My parents called up all his friends, who were part of the surprise. Myriam decided to hide in the closet- with the cake- ready for our brother to wake up. It took his friends nearly three-quarters of an hour to arrive but they were all in the living room hiding before my bleary-eyed brother waddled into the living room.

“Surprise!” We all shouted springing out of our hiding places. “Happy birthday!”

I laughed. He was definitely surprised, his face was priceless. But it turns out he wasn't the only one to be surprised because at that very moment four soldiers stormed into the room.

“Raus!” one of them shouted nudging the unfortunate person closest to him with his gun.

Everyone was frozen, terrified. A soldier shouted strict orders to the rest of them. Then all hell broke loose. Without warning, all four of them had their guns out and were shooting in every direction. Everyone ran in different directions, shouting and screaming. My parents shouted at me to hide and stay safe. Scanning the room, I hid in the corner of the room furthest away from the soldiers. I sat there quietly having no idea what I could do or what I should. I watched my parents in horror wondering what would happen to them. As I was watching them I saw a change in their facial expressions. I was trying to place it. Suddenly it struck me. I wanted to shout to them don't give up. But it was too late.

Everything that I saw next seemed to take place in slow motion. The emotionless soldier randomly firing bullets through the air at everything and everyone. My mother using the last of her energy to protect my brother. My father rushing over to her. Him falling over in pain never to rise again My brother looking lost and scared. Him joining them slumped over in his bright blue high chair. Everything became a blur. I was trying to hold back my tears. It was so I didn't want to show them that I was afraid. Then I remembered Myriam. She was still in the closet oblivious to what had just happened. There was nothing that I could do to help her without putting both our lives in risk.

“Surprise!” She exclaimed happily. Her smile quickly changed to look of horror and fright as she took in the scene before her. She started crying and ignored what the soldiers shouted at her. They forced her arms behind her back. That was when she saw me. She made eye-contact with me and tried to signal something to me that I couldn't quite understand. But whatever she said didn't matter to me anymore. She was my sister. My sorrow and fright turned into anger. They killed my parents. They killed my brother. But I would not let them kill my sister as well. I felt a surge of confidence and got up to demand that they let go of her. They stared at me for a second but then burst out laughing. My confidence faded away and I felt powerless and alone. One of them grabbed my hands and forced them behind my back, roughly tying them together just as they had done to her.

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