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•• TWO ••

"It'll last us 2 weeks, if we even it out." I said as Joey sat next to me in the passenger seat. "Yeah.. we'll be able to do it. It's food, were bound to find it somewhere. We have more then enough gas to use for Over 3 months, the water will last a life time - I'm not sure about the beers.. and those guns your dad had.. more then enough." He said as he looked at the map.

He frowned.

"This decease must be all over the world by now. I've seen more red people then I have tanned. And we can't stay out in the desert.. what place would be good enough to even stay?!" He said, folding the map and ditching it on the floor.

Michael popped his head through the gap in the middle.

"The island." he said, as if it was simple. "An island?" I Asked, swerving to miss the dead kid on the road. The mother screamed when I missed her.. whoops.

"Not An island, The Island. Our island. The place has been deserted for over a decade! And we all know there's food, water and a home there. Surely no one would be there!" He said, hope laced in his voice.

I sat there quietly, listening to my sisters sobs in the very back with Lucas.

"It's worth a shot.." I mumbled and Joey shrugged. "Yeah, I guess it is. But it'll take us Over a year to get to the other side of America. Especially at the rate we're going. This food isn't going to last and I'm pretty sure that water won't last that long either." Joey said, huffing and puffing.

Lucas piped in, "guys, we have guns. I'm pretty sure we have more guns then any one in America right now. We all know how to shoot. Everyone is dying, if we don't get what we want, their better off dead then being alive but dying slowly." Everyone was quiet, even Elisa stopped her sobs.

"We.. could do that." Lisa mumbled. I raised an eyebrow. "You can't even hurt a fly without crying. Lisa, your a nurse in the biggest hospital in London, how can you kill when you've been saving?" I asked, hitting the steering wheel with my palm every time I over exaggerated on a word.

She just shrugged and looked out the window.

"It's worth a shot. They may not show it, but I'll be dammed if their not happy to leave this shitty world." Elisa said, wiping her runny nose with her sleeve. "She's gotta point." Lucas and Joey said at the same time.

I sighed and nodded.

"Alright. But I'm driving. You guys can do all the dirty work." I said with a shaky breath. "What's wrong?" Lisa asked with a worried frown.

"Remember that little hole in the pantry we used to sneak in and out of to get food?" Lisa nodded. "I think dad got out from there because I had to chop his head clean off." I said, bursting into tears and sobs.

"Did he touch you?! Bite you?! Hurt you?!" Joey asked, searching me over. I shook my head fiercely. "No. Trust me on that one. But I figured something out. Before I managed to kill him, I'd cut his arm off, a leg and sliced through his gut but he was still walking. Well.. hopping. These things can only be killed with a clean shot at the neck, or it's head cut off." I said, watching the sun nearly fall past the horizon.

"Fucking hell. Anyone gold at aiming?" Michael said, managing to make everyone laugh.

I pulled up at a deserted hotel.

"It'll be dark soon. Grab 2 guns each, I'll take a couple of knives. Michael and lisa, your in front. Joey and I'll be at back. Stay together and only shoot if it comes running at you. if you happen to come running toward us, make sure you scream run in case we happen to shoot you.. lets go." I said, giving everyone their orders and getting out the car. I put the guns in the back of my jeans, and clung tightly to the knives.

"Why knives?" Joey asked as we followed a quivering Elisa and a protective Lucas.

"When I was a kid, mum put me in this cooking class. I was always very skilful with the knives and one day, I was asked to come to this cooking school. The day we were suppose to leave, we got broken into and they shot my mum in the leg. I stabbed the guy 14 times. I was taken in for questions but they let me go, only being a child and protecting her mother. It was also self defence and the cooking class came in and told them she would never do such a thing on a regular bases. SO, instead of going to a cooking class, I went to a school for special kids to learn things like MMA and stuff." I said, watching the halls carefully and checking behind a door that lead to a genitors closet.

"How come I didn't know this?" He asked, checking behind a counter. i only shrugged. "Didn't see any reason to bring it up."

"Guys! I found something." we went to the balcony where Lisa stood in disgust. I looked down, and naked bodies with gas masks on their faces, laid in pool chairs.

Some were in the pool.

"Their bodies.. it looks like Samantha's." Elisa said, covering her nose from the sickening smell.

"We can't stay here. Not with all these bitch -" Lisa shook her head. "They're all dead." Michael raised an eyebrow, confused and unhappy he was interrupted.

"Look under the masks. There's towels and few are still dripping. Those who were unlucky drowned them selves the only way they could die without being able to take a breath. See how there arms are strapped? Their legs? They chose this." Lisa said, watching them with sad eyes.

"So.. people are still alive? in this building?" I asked but Lucas shook his head. "No they wouldn't stay. They willingly killed these innocent people. They wouldn't want to be anywhere near them. And if someone is here, they'll be on the other side of this building." everyone nodded in agreement.

"I say we stay in The car tonight. Remember what ash said about dad? We're better off in the car then here." we all agreed and rushed back to our car, starting the engine and driving down the road a bit, the sky going completely dark.

"Go into the bush." Joey whispered, mostly everyone all ready asleep. I pulled in and went a few minutes away from the road in case someone decided to go on a killing spree.

I put my chair back a little bit and laid my head down. I looked over at joey, his blue eyes already looking.

"I'm scared.." I whispered and he smiled sadly. "Me too ash.. me too." he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, both of us closing our eyes and hoping for sleep.

I wonder if I'll wake up and this'll all be a dream?

Imagine that!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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