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•• ONE ••

"Mum!" I yelled, rushing over to her with Michael as Lou bit her shoulder. Mums eyes were bloodshot, and blood somehow pored out her eyes and ears. The girls began to scream.

"GET OFF HER YOU BASTARD!" Lucas yelled as he pulled Lou off and thru him to the floor. Looking after a kid must make him stronger.. lol.

"We need to lock them up!" Ash said, pointing to their big pantry. It had a lock to keep the girls out of it at night, more like ash rather then the other to. "Why?!" Elisa yelled with fear in her eyes and Lisa pointed at Samantha. "Sweetie, she's not breathing but she is twitching. That isn't normal! Plus, dad just bit carol! We need to lock them up, before he bites someone else, and Carol needs medical attention!" She screamed, running over to carol and feeling her neck for a pulse.

Ash ran over to the radio, flicking it on. I tried turning on the TV. "Powers out!" I yelled for everyone to hear and they all groaned.

Michael and Lucas managed to lift a mouth gapping Lou. It looked like his jaw was only hanging on by a thread.

"Guys! Shh!" Ash said, turning the radio up louder.

"It's happening. It isn't the end of the world, but you may as well call it that. People are going to start dying, become infected and kill whatever is covered in meat or has blood pumping through their veins, or has blood in general. This isn't a simple lock yourself in your home and hope for the best situation. No, you are not safe in your homes! You are not safe anywhere. It is spreading and I wouldn't be surprised if someone is already blue in your home, especially with your children." the quiet man said on the radio.

Elisa gasped and looked at the twitching Samantha.

"If bitten, lock yourself up and hope your family and friends get away from you in time. If your child is going blue, lock her up and drive away. Do not be afraid to drive away. That isn't your daughter or your son, that is a creation from a science lab! If blood, spit or anything for that matter, ends up on you from an infected person, lock yourself up and hope you are not infected. If you do not start to hurt yourself in any way, you don't have rashes or go blue in a matter of 2 weeks, you aren't infected but better off staying exactly where you are. Do whatever you think you must do.. but do know - you - die - end..........." the radio crackled, then went silent.

Lucas went up to Elisa and put her face in his chest, signalling to Samantha and closing his eyes, a tear slipping out.

Ash let out a sob Before carefully picking up Samantha, gently putting her in the cupboard, followed by her dad and my mum. After we made sure it was heavely locked, Lucas and Michael grabbed a knife as we all huddled in the lounge room.

"What are we going to do? No one at work even mentioned this! Let alone been creating a medicine for it!" Lisa said as she ran her hands thru her hair.

I grabbed Ash's hand and held it tight.

"You heard the man on the radio. Whatever happens to these people, are no longer the person we knew, but something created in a lab. No lab would create such a thing, unless it was government secret lab scientists figuring out a cure for some random shit, then making a fucking decease that'll kill the whole fucking nation." Ash said, screaming towards the end.

We all knew we were fucked.

"Does anyone have rashes or anything?" I asked quickly as everybody checked themselves. "We're all clear." Michael said. "What do you have in mind Joey?" Lucas asked as he held a crying Elisa.

Ash looked at me with hope, and I squeezed her hand, letting a small smile come on my face. She returned the smile.

"Weapons. We're going to need a lot of weapons. Food, water, clothing - anything you would need on a road trip BUT nothing personal. Leave all the personal shit here. Clothes, phone if it has battery and reception. Medication! We're going to need it in case something happens to any one of us. We need to move fast. We don't know what's outside, so ash, grab a knife and keep watch. Let's move quickly, I don't know who else in this shithole is infected, but that pantry ain't gonna hold on for long! Let's go let's go let's go!!" I said, Everyone rushing off in different directions.

"We'll take my car!" Ash said, having a black 4WD patrol, also being the closest car. She ran outside with 2 knives in her hand.

She'll be fine.. she'll be fine!

• • •

First chapter :)

Pretty shit, I know and moving so fast already! But idk.. hope you vote and comment things.. I like to chat :3


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