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- Ariana's POV -

«Ive got a bad boy must admit it, you got my heart don't know how you did it» me and Alexa chant as we walk with linked arms trough the streets of Paris. Sure we have people following us and security around us but I don't care this is our time to let our hair down and have some serious fun!

Both of us are wearing cute outfits looking like we came straight off the set of gossip girl as Blair & Serena. As the fresh air blow trough my hair oh so softly I realize I haven't felt this free in such a long time.


Sitting down at a table outside at a fancy place we laugh as we take some turns down memory lane as some boys walk up to us. Cute french boys might I add.

«je suis désolé moi et mon ami juste eu à venir à vous deux. vous êtes tellement à couper le souffle.» he say as he flashes his dashing smile

(A/N: translation: 'm sorry me and my friend just had to come up to you two. You're so breathtaking.)

Unfortanly I don't speak French «I'm so sorry but do you happen to speak English» I ask hopefully

«Ahh you're from America?» grabbing a chair behind him he and his friend sit down at our table and we get to talking. Well, its more like flirting but the heck with it. Im single and I'm damn sure gonna enjoy flirting with cute french boys! Hell yeah!

As we are laughing along having a good time my phone goes off.... Its Sean. Immediately I hit the decline button angrily.

One of the boys notice his name is Romeo btw the guy who came up and talked to us, thats Romeo and his friend Fernando. «Ey? Something wrong Ariana» he asks me kinda quiet but with concern. God I love the way he says my name! It kind of roll of his tongue.

«Its fine its just my ex calling. Don't worry about it» I shrug my shoulders trying to brush it off.

He doesn't pry more about it and rather change the subject «so what are two beautiful American girls doing in Paris?»

Alexa smiles sweetly before answering him «I'm taking a school semester here but Ariana here was in the need to get away from LA»

«Ahh to get away from the ex boyfriend» Romeo seems beyond existed to have put two and two together like that.

«Yeah thats one of my problems» I laugh it off like its just some minor normal stuff not to be bothered


After sitting together for well over an hour of eating and talking Romeo and Fernando has to leave. No, we didn't get their numbers or gave them ours for safety reasons because of my status but never less it was to much fun!

Wanting to gush about our lunch I go on twitter to kinda brag about it

@ArianaGrande: had the best Lunch in Paris with two handsome french boys! Thank you Romeo and Fernando for the pleasant company! Loved talking to you two xx

Still on cloud nine from our Lunch Alexa and I do some more shopping «Ariana oh my god you would look so good in this dress» Alexa says holding up a really cute dress at Dior

«You think?» I ask excitedly as she hands it to me. It's a semi short tight black dress with some altering in it to make it look more interesting. I gotta get that!

«Yeah totaly!»

As I'm looking the dress up and down «fine I need to have this. But» trailing off I go grab a pair of black Dior high heals «but then I need to get these also. You know to have it matching... Or maybe as an excuse to by more shoes»


After a long day of shopping we get back to the hotel and sprawl out across the couch talking excitedly of everything we bought today.

Once again ruining the mood my phone goes off, but this time its Justin. Also this time I decline without hesitation before turning my phone off in frustration «cant those boys just leave me alone for a change? I mean my mom told them to give me some time for myself but they clearly don't seem to care. Ugh it's so frustrating.»

Alexa grabs my phone and lock it in the bedside drawer «no more phone for you today. You need to get them out of your head, come on we had a grate day today don't let those idiots ruin it. They don't get to ruin our Paris time, the heck with them»

Just as I was about to agree Alexa's phone goes off and she picks it up without looking at the caller «hallo? Oh... Hang on One second»

She turns to me «its Sean. Do you want me to hang up»

«I don't care, really I don't» now my happy mood is totally destroyed as I lay down on the bed.

«Sean she doesn't want to talk to you.» «Just god let the girl breath!.» «I don't care just let her be» with that she just hang up the phone «you do know he loves you right?» she says to me.

«I do... ugh... now our plan on not letting them ruin our day is over... Now I just want to cry,» tears start to tickle down my face in frustration. I mean in the past half hour or so I've been trough so many emotions and I'm just confused. I don't know how I feel and I honestly don't want to know right now. I don't want to make a decision without being sure on what I want and whats right for me. But sometimes I just need some room to breath.

Alexa goes over to the freezer and pull out a tub of vegan ice-cream along with two spoons from a drawer «come on. Tonight we are going to talk about all of this crap and get it out of your system. Then tomorrow we can start over again and have even more fun. It's okay to be upset Ariana but you just gotta deal with it»


Ugh I don't know how I like this chapter, it seems messy to me but eh better than nothing I guess.

Life update:

Not much have changed. Still not keeping down food. i eat a little but trow it up again. practically walking around on eggshells scared of all and anything. I've lost 10kg (don't know ho many ponds that is) in just little over a month which is not good. 

I update every:

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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl Christinaasland (link can be found in my bio at twitter)

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-Xoxo Christina

Don't let me go - sequel to "love me like you do" (ariana grande and big sean)Where stories live. Discover now