leaving for the city of love

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- Ariana's POV -

As I'm Zipping up my suitcase my mom walks into my room «you sure you want to go? I mean all on your own. The rest of us is leaving in a couple days are you sure you don't want to wait until then.

«No mommy. I just need to get out of here. And besides I won't be alone I have Alexa. Ive booked us in on a nice big fancy hotel and we are going to have some girly days together. You know doing or whole Blair and Serena thing or something.»

Slipping my feets into my shoes I crab my purse «don't worry I will be fine» kissing her cheek I say «love you mommy»

«Love you two sweetie. Have a safe flight»

Getting in the car thats taking me to the airport I smile big thinking of all the fucking fun I'm going to have. I mean its Paris! But more important it has no Justin or Sean.


Getting situated in my hotel room there is a knock on the door and in comes Alexa! «Lexie!» I yell running up to her trowing my arms around her tightly «god I've missed you!»

We squeeze each other tightly before letting go making our way over to the couch.

After Talking for about an hour about all and anything Alexa turn serious «So whats up girly. Whats with this sudden need for getting out to Paris? And without your crew too. Whats going on?» she seems more concerned than anything to be honest.

Sighing I say «its just... boys... Justin kissed me but then I saw him kissing Selena and things with Sean are strange and I just needed some room to breath»

She grins «so... Is Justin any good in bed» she jokes with me

«ALEXA! No! I don't know. Oh my good. I just... I think I might have feelings for him. Real feelings. And then its this whole thing with Sean who wants me back.» I start to cry but Alexa shakes me back to sanity

«Listen. Just forget about all that right now. We are in Paris the capital of love. And we are going to have a damn good time okay? Everything will fall into place as its supposed too just go with the flow okay girly. You'll be fine»

- Sean's POV -

Pulling up to Ariana's house I'm really nervous. Don't know why its just a long time since I've been here. All I know is that I need to talk to her, at least see her.

Ringing the doorbell her mom opens up «Sean? What brings you here?»

«Hi Joan. I just wanted to talk to Ariana. Is she here?» I say nervous as ever

She sighs «no Sean she isn't. She is in Paris wanting to get away form you and Justin. Just give her some room to breath please. I love you like a son you know that but just let her breath»

«Ofcourse. Thanks anyway. Good to see you» I give her a kiss on her cheek before walking off with my hands in my pockets.

Just as I'm about to get in the car another car pull up, its Justin. «Hey man» he chants at me looking smug as ever getting out of his car

«Hi whats up?» I say trying to be friendly with the dude.

«Just here to see Ariana. Have you been here long?» he looks kinda intimidated

«No, I just got here but Im leaving. She isn't here. She is in Paris wanting to get away from the two of us so clearly neither of us is on her good side. Just give her some room please, her mother asked me to do that so I'm asking you to.»

- Ariana's POV -

«Ugh boys are just... ugh... cant this just be easy» trowing my head down in the pillow I scream out wile Alexa rub my back «girl if love was easy we would never end up with the right one. You'll be fine»

«Fine. But if I'm not fine I will hold you accountable for it!» I poke her playfully

«Yeah yeah.. Ill take that, thats fine.» She brushes it off.


life update: 

there really isn't anything to tell other than that I'm still not eating but I'm working on that tho. 

I update every:

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Twitter: Christinaasland

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-Xoxo Christina

Don't let me go - sequel to "love me like you do" (ariana grande and big sean)Where stories live. Discover now