Chapter 3

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Picture of Matt Dallas at the side as Charles Dante .. =) 

Chapter 3:

Looking back at that summer, I wonder how life could have seemed so carefree. My biggest worry back then was not wearing the right outfit to the big events my mother was always hosting. Never was I considered a social butterfly, but Mother made it her duty to see that I wasn't a wall flower either. 

My life seemed so insignificant back then. I had no fight, no cause and no belief. I existed, but what was the point? I was alive, but not really living. The only times my life began to have any merit from the sheltered lifestyle I led, were the times I spent with him. I didn't know how my whole being got so wrapped up in him. It was almost as if I was given something to fight for, a cause to cherish, and a person to believe in. For a time, it was almost as if he was my sole reason for living, as he provided an escape from a world I knew I would never feel comfortable in. I was stuck in a social scene that held no appeal to me, and surrounded by people who were only nice to you with an aim.

Our lives were so different; it was almost as if we were from different planets!

My family and I spent the summer nights out late, very late. Usually returning home until wee hours of the morning, and then sleeping until noon. I thought this a norm, as everyone I knew, did the same. Not Jake. He was an early riser; sometimes- most times- up before the sun.

As I watched the sun begin to make its assent to the sky above the horizon, I remembered again. I always remember on this day. It's almost as if the day had a magic potion that just ripped the memories and placed it to the front of my mind. But I didn't want to go there yet. I'd rather remember his smile, as another memory came back to me. The first time I went to his trailer. 

All the workers who came in town for the construction job were given trailers in a trailer park for housing. So, one morning, I sneaked away from my house, at what I thought was an early hour. The entire household was asleep, apart from the servants, as we had just a few hours before, returned from the social event of the year, which was quite a splendid fete but, by next week, there'd be another event of the year that would be grander and brighter.

That’s how it was in my world: one social event to another, a long line of boring parties after another. Jake laughed at my description of my life, he always did.

When I’d thought to surprise him, the surprise was on me, because he was already up and about. He was a morning person; a very chipper and happy morning person, without the aid of caffeine.

 That morning, I learnt about his life. Before that he’d never really told me much about his life before moving here. I remembered just listening to his voice, and just wanting to be there forever. I remember thinking that I’ll always remember this, no matter what; I’ll always remember his voice.

And in a way, I guess I did. Ten years later, I can still his voice as clear as if he’s standing right next to me. I can still picture the sound of his laugh, as though he was still laughing with me. All the memories of that summer were too much!

I couldn’t forget it. I wanted to, but I didn’t want to. It was almost as if I was a sucker for pain. Despite knowing how much I was hurt, I still remembered him. I still loved him. Something keeps me holding onto nothing, holding on to memories, holding onto to a past that had no future.

The sound of the bedroom door opening had me quickly dabbing my tears away. He did not need to see me in my pathetic state.

“Oh, you’re awake, I had hoped not to disturb you,” he said to me.

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