Chapter 8 - Holiday, Still So Far Away

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When we get back to the Avengers facility, Peter immediately makes his way to the lab where Hiro, Tadashi, and Skye work. The reason for this soon becomes clear - he needs a laptop and internet access. And the reason for that? He's decided to look for ingredients to put together a superhero outfit for me.

"Are you sure you're looking in the right places, though?" I ask in an undertone when I see the website he's looking on. In this part of cyberspace, they specialize in super-tight-fitting sports gear. Well, at least now I know where Peter got his Spider-Man outfit from.

"What's wrong with these?" Peter asks, highlighting a picture of a woman wearing a white full-body spandex outfit. "You don't like 'em?"

I stare at the screen, trying to see myself wearing one of those skintight outfits - but I can't. "I dunno about you," I say, "but I'm not really all that comfortable showing my curves off like that."

"I didn't know you had curves," Peter jokes, running one of his hands over my side.

"Exactly," I say. "I don't try to show them."

"Well..." Peter opens a new tab, closing the one with the Spandex Shop. (That isn't the official name for the site - it's just what I've decided to call it.) "You do kinda need an outfit, especially if you're gonna start doing what I do. Nobody needs to know your true identity, not now that you're officially dead." He types in the URL for Kohl's. "But are you sure the spandex thing is out? It's show-off-y, I know, but that doesn't stop me from using it."

"You're different," I laugh. "Put that mask on, and you're practically a performance artist. The more you show off, the better."

"Now you're sounding like Stark."

"Maybe I am," I say, grinning. "But seriously, I don't have it in me to be a performance artist like you. I wouldn't be so snarky and quippy like you are. I wouldn't have people going online and talking about how hot I look in my uniform-"

"People do that?" Peter looks genuinely shocked to hear this. "Well, maybe on blogs or something, but I don't normally look at those."

"Sure you don't," I say, punching his shoulder. I think he has to be able to see it coming with his Spidey-sense, but he does nothing to avoid it.

"Aww, not even mine?" Skye asks. She and the Hamadas have largely ignored us this whole time as they've worked on their own things. The only reason we're in here is because, as Baymax said (and I quote) before Tadashi deactivated him to run maintenance, "this lab has the best Wi-Fi in the house."

"You had a-" Peter begins. "No, wait, why should I even be surprised?"

"She's a recovering hacktivist," Hiro says, looking up from his own robo-maintenance project - on his cute but deadly Megabot.

"And experienced blogger," Skye says, winking. "Not just Rising Tide stuff, either. I did used to run a pretty popular Spider-Man blog...but then I kinda stopped updating it after I joined SHIELD. Agenting takes up a lot of time that I could've otherwise set aside for blogging."

"Is that the technical term?" I ask. "'Agenting?'"


Peter snickers at this, then turns the laptop screen my way. "What do you think of these, Gwen?"

I take a look. He's found a strange-looking hoodie - white with red markings on the elbows and forearms. "What's with the white?" I ask. "You really think it's my color?"

"You wear it all the time," Peter says, tugging on the sleeve of my white shirt.

"What if I wanted to wear a black outfit?" I laugh.

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