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Tyler's POV

"Troye? Troye please! Help me!" I was in lowly lit room that I recognized vaguely, my breath visible in front of me. I struggled to escape the rope that clamped my thrashing hands together behind my back. The rough material rubbed against my wrists, grating my first layer of skin. My shirt was torn and bloody but I couldn't tell if the crimson fluid was mine or someone else's. My body raked with shivers as a faint girlish giggle filled the room and the tippity-tap of children's feet skipped around.

I was eyeing the demon that stood in the corner, watching me as I endured excruciating pain, discomfort, fear, and betrayal. His eyes were wide with worry and brimming with tears but he didn't make any move to help as if something was pulling him back whenever he tried to. It wasn't until my last dying breath when I saw him running to my side. By the time I felt the sensation of him cradling me, it was already too late. "Tyler!" Troye shrieked.

"Tyler!" I heard him scream once again, but his voice sounded different.

"Tyler!" I woke up to my fiancé's yell, his hand on my bicep, shaking me feverishly. I was covered in a vale of sweat, my chest rising and falling at an unimaginable speed.

"Did you have that weird nightmare again?" He asked, "With the demon thing we played with when we were kids?" I nodded, answering yes to both his inquiries. He sighed, pulling me into him, my body lining up with his. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear as his hands rubbed loving circles into my stomach until I fell into a peaceful sleep.

What would I do without him?

A few hours later I woke up surrounded by my white duvet cover and the morning sunshine gleaming through the balcony doors. My lover's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist as if he was protecting me from the outside world. I couldn't remember when he'd come back from work, I was already knocked out by the time he had returned home. Like usual. I sighed reminiscing in the events of last night.

I lifted his arm from my body as delicately as possible as not to wake him and swung my feet over the side of the bed, bracing myself for the feeling of the cold wooden floor. I stood up, a grunt escaping my lips as the vertebrates in my back cracked one by one, lifting my arms above my head and stretching them out as well. The blood fled to my head, my temples pounding and my vision clouded with purple dots. I swayed for a minute before regaining my balance and scurrying to the bathroom in search of some painkillers.

I looked form side to side before passing my hallway like a toddler before crossing a street. I couldn't shake the paranoia that itched at my neck and tickled down my spine. It had been like this for a while now, the feeling of someone's eyes on me wherever I went. Maybe it was because I had recently moved in, and I still wasn't used to the new environment. It has only been 2 weeks since I packed up my stuff and merged my belongings with my boyfrien- I mean my fiancé's.

I shrugged and continued on my quest for some Advil. Once I reached the medicine cabinet located in our bathroom, I swallowed two of the blue tablets before hearing the creaking of the bed, notifying me that he was awake.

"Tyler?" he called for me, his husky yet mellow voice bellowing through our quaint apartment.

"Yeah, Con?" I answered.

"Come back to bed." he whined, dragging out his words in a childish way. I didn't have to be in the room to know he was making grabbing motions toward the door like a damn 3 year old asking his mommy to lift him up.

"No, get your ass up and I'll make you breakfast." I compromised, a smirk tugging on my lips when I heard a defeated sigh coming from our bedroom.

"Morning, love." Connor greeted as he approached from behind me, his arms wrapping around my torso, pulling me into him as we stared at each other in the bathroom mirror. His messy brown locks tickled my shoulders as he ducked his head to pepper sweet kissing along my neck. He smiled tiredly against my skin, his breath cascading over my bare chest, and his fingers dancing along the hem of my sweatpants. "So...Breakfast?"

Eyes. There was someone watching me, I just know it. They burned through my skin, creating a gaping hole of mixed emotions through my heart. Maybe I was going insane.


A/N- ok everyone was asking for it, so why tf not??? ur wlcm

just warning you:
-this fic will be much shorter than its prequel
-there will be slow updates
-dont fucking give me hate for the whole tyler and connor thing bc idgaf. chill out, he won't be around for long ;)

I assure you this will have a happy ending <33

The Midnight Men (Troyler) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now