A Hidden Gem: Elegance ❤️

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Crystal-white, precious and beautiful,

crevassed in the deep ocean blue,

Hidden from the world above,

a rare and exquisite gem.

Captured between charcoal-grey scalings of oysters,

And plodded on by intrusive beings.

Corrupted by the inhumane outside world,

No safe-haven to abide in.

A raging ambush of colour flows within the crevasses,

Filling the gaps engulfed with insecurity.

Dreams may last a while,

whilst the currents of these waters subside.

Washing up gently against the poignant coral on the surface,

Painting pictures against the striking celestial blue.

I see a woman of world wonders beholding his gem,

Only to discover what is pure to its heart.

Beauty and innocence strike this gem,

For it is known for its glorified wealth.

She shows true charm and absolute perfection,

For elegance is its true name to be foretold.

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