That One Night ❤️

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You just started out as a childhood friend,

A sentimental aspect of my life.

Not eternal but it was extraordinary.

We experienced the start of a beautiful friendship,

Special to us and which will be cherished always.

It may have been lost at sea to the strong currents of the ocean,

But we may find happiness by battling through it effortlessly.


We need determination to achieve true friendship.

Everything is possible.

A strong mind and heart shall grant us endless love.

You have left me confusing questions,

Granting me pain and despair.

I've lost you.

Reality has just struck me.

Passion's beauty is captivating as a gleaming pearl,

Alone, clustered in the crevasses of a dark, crepuscular cave.

Shimmering beneath all that darkness,

To illuminate the surface with its altruistic powers.

My Love for you may go deeper and further,

Like an ocean growing between us.

An illusion.

My love for you is endless.

My feelings are drowning a cluster of dark blue,

swirling deep down into a endless pit of darkness.

The world bitingly grips at my feet,

Watching every move I make.

You are no longer there to when I can communicate my pain.

Dreams are circular patterns of the imagination,

Evolving inside your mind when you close your eyes.

I dream of you close to me,

Yet you are 10,000 miles apart.

You are in the heavens above.

Although you were always my guardian angel,

The shimmering twinkle of your eyes,

Always fulfilling me with a bitter-sweet feeling,

Suffocating my ability to speak and think.

They said it was fate.

Ours was connected with the white star-light pictures on the sloe-black sky.

Take my hand,

So I may follow the steps to your galaxy.

My heaven.

Your heaven.

Our heaven.

Our first kiss,

I remember it as if it was just a few moments ago.

My lips lingering for yours.

My body craving for your touch.

But you are gone.

I just wish for one more magical night,

To have that prolonged kiss with you.

One last goodbye.

Time stops every time I think about you,

Our own little bubble of existence,

Incomprehensible to the outside world,

But a promising future for us.

This promise has ceased,

Just like us.

Shell-shocked and broken,

I am hidden inside this shell.

Afraid of coming out again,

The guilt engulfing me, bottomless.

Just because I was not there that one night.

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