Jewels and the kiss

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Mouth's P.O.V
I was not letting go of her hand, so they were going to have to hold the map for me to translate.

We had to play the piano and if we miss to many notes......we would then die. I gulped and hugged squint in my arms

Andy played the first note right, but when she played the second one Mikey's side went out. Data came tumbling into us causing Andy to press the wrong note. I lost my grip of Squint and our side fell. I looked down to see her holding on to the edge. I scrambled to my feet and grabbed her. she hugged me and cried into my neck. I was suppose to protect her but failed.

Squint's P.O.V
Andy finally played all the right notes before the fertellies could catch up. There was this awesome water slide thing. I was screaming with joy as Mouth held me in his arms. I saw a light then fell into water. I was pulled up seconds later by mouth.

"I can swim you know." I said. "yeah I know but I feel more comfortable when I know your safe in my arms." he said I laughed at his goofy smile. my eyes widened by what I saw "Mikey, Mikey, look look." I shouted

Everyone turned to see a gigantic pirate ship. we swam to it where Andy pulled something that lead the way to the treasure. Mikey got a few minutes to talk to willy by himself. I felt happy for him. now we could save our house from Troy's dad.

We stuffed as mush riches as we could in our pockets, Mouth stuffed some in his mouth, I thought it was cute. "finally something to shut you up." I laughed at my self while he glared at me.

We remembered the fertellies and by the time we turned to leave they were there guns and sword pointed our way.

I felt Mouth grab my hand. they took us to the deck of the ship and told us to empty our riches on to the ground. the old hag grabbed Mouth again pulling the jewels out of his mouth. I had had it now, I stomped on her foot causing her to scream and let go of Mouth. I grabbed him and pulled him in to me. she came our way, but didn't go for Mouth she went for me.

Mouth tried to hold on but she was stronger the him. "ok you first little girl." she tied my hands and told me to walk backwards. At that moment I saw chunk with the IT. They tackled the lady but it was too late I was on the edge and slipped. I heard some one else splash in to the water by me. The person pulled me up so I could breath again. "Mouth!" I shouted when I saw who it was.

He swam me to the shore where he untied the rope from my hands. once I was I was untied I hugged him thanking him.

"I like you a lot!" He blurted at me. "for a while now like 2 years tops." I blushed. before I sort of got the feeling he did but now I can be certain.

"Good cuz I like you too, and I took you long enough to tell me." I said pushing his arm. we looked over and the fertellies were being thrown in the water by chunks friend. Mouth put his arm around me "so do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked. I turned to look at him. I was getting lost in those eyes of his and closed the space between us with my lips. It felt like fire works were going off every where it was perfect.

The kiss ended when we took a moment to breath. "so that's a yes?" Mouth asked. I was mesmerized, "no wonder they call you Mouth, wait what oh yeah definitely a yes." I said. he just laughed at me as the others were swimming to the shore.

"But brand what about the loot." Mikey said "do you wanna live, come on." Brand said. they were bickering again.

Mouth's P.O.V
We kissed, and now she is my girlfriend . I guess I should return my coin to the well my wish came true she's my girlfriend.

We both get up to help the others find a way out. "guys this is sloth." chunk said introducing him to us. "i can't see." complained Mikey. "here use these candles." Data said. "these are sticks of dynamite every one down." Brand yelled.

I put my body around squint to protect her. She was squinting at me and I chuckled. That made her smile.

Sloth held the rock open for all of us. It took us awhile to get chunk to leave but he finally budged.

We were walking (me holding Squint's hand) towards people for help when Data spoke "hey guys we may have not got the jewels but one good thing came out of this." "oh really what?" Asked Andy. "well now Mouth and Squint are dating." me and Squint both blushed.

"What?" Brand and Mikey shouted in unison. "Yeah you didn't see them kiss in the cave?" Chunk asked. we couldn't have gotten any redder. "kiss, what kiss?" Brand asked. "uh oh you better run Mouth." Squint said pointing at Mikey who was running straight toward me.

"You kissed my sister!" Mikey screamed at me. "In my defense I didn't even get to slip her my tounge because you guys were bickering about escaping." I yelled back. "what, your dead Mouth." Mikey said.

Squints P.O.V
When our parents and the police got here Mikey was sad because we couldn't save our house. Troy and his father showed up asking my dad to sign the papers.

Mouth came up behind me and said "I'm really going to miss you when you move." i didn't say anything I was to sad and had tears in my eyes. he hugged me back till we heard Rosalita

Mouth turned to her translating what she said "no sign,no sign" Rosalita came running to my parents and poured jewels she found from Mikey marble bag onto their hands. dad tore the papers up and shouted "were staying!" I turned and looked at Mouth with a huge smile, he kissed me and spun me around.

Mikey was still giving him glares. we did we saved the Goon docks and I got the most amazing boyfriend who later on in life asked me to marry him and had two children with me.

The End

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