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Scar's POV
As soon as I saw my father's face on the TV screen I knew what had happened. The s-cell had been leaked. He had been blamed. My father is dead.
Turning the television screen off, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom as I hastily packed one bag of clothes, while my mind was racing. My ears were ringing, and I felt as if my whole body was dropped into a pool of ice, while not being cold at all. This is the exact emotion that ran through my body as I had been told I had stage four bone cancer. Stage 4A bone cancer is where the cancer cells have already spread to other parts of the body. To the lungs. I knew I wasn't going to make it. But daddy didn't. Dad was one of the top scientists in oncology, immunology, and virology. I already knew then he was going to keep me alive. It was just me and him against the world, after all. My mom had left my father when I was fifteen, along with my sister. That story is for another time though. Back to packing. My time is running out.

(A/n- there will be little snippets of her life before the "switchover" that will be told throughout the story that will piece together to show you her life before)

Checking my watch, it read 3:26. I have about an hour. I ripped three of my black shirts out of my closet, along with two pairs of black skinny jeans, and one pair of camo skinny cargo jeans. My whole wardrobe is mostly black, so there's no need for choice. I looked down at the outfit I had on- navy green skinnies with a black tank top. Should blend in. With that, I stuffed my clothes into my bag that's now sitting on top of my bed and strode over to my dresser. I opened one side of the dresser and grabbed my bag of loaded guns and ammo. Daddy always said be prepared. Inside this bag was One semi-automatic pistol, three throwing knives, one pocket knife, and my baby. My Astra 400. It was my dads until he handed it off to me. I'll need to get more. Ill run out of ammo and the sounds will be attracting attention. I know what I'll need. Smiling devilishly, i walked into the hallway and grabbed my father's Takoba sword he never let me touch, off the wall. Yeah, don't ask where he got it. The sheath has a strap so I slung it around my shoulder and went back to my room to grab my bag of ammo and clothes. Next, I'll need non-perishable food. Slinging my two packed bags onto the kitchen table, I went to grab another. Good thing I'll be taking a car. I may need to abandon some things once it gets ugly. Once I found a decent sized bag for about a weeks worth of canned foods, I threw in some canned beans, green beans, ravioli, you name it. What else will I need? Protein bars! Walking over to the pantry I grabbed a box of protein bars and packed them with my other food. Seeing as I'll have to make another trip for water, I grabbed my keys to my jeep and loaded my clothes in the back seat with my good, and my guns under the passenger seat. I got back out of the car and went back inside for water. I got a pack of bottled water and raced back out to my car. Only now did I look around to see if anyone was out in the houses around us, when I heard a voice from behind me.
"Oh, scar! I saw what happened on the news and I'm sorry for your loss! How could someone murder such an honorable man-" mrs. Valarinez started but I can't stand the sound of her Madalynn voice so I cut her off
"Yeah, wish it was you imstead" I smirked at her reaction and hopped into the car. After throwing the water into the back seat I sped out of the driveway. Oh, how I hated that woman. Dad always told me to be civil towards her, but he's not here anymore. He left. And now I've got a promise to keep. Run. With that thought I reached under my seat for a map and it was there as promised. Looks like I'm going to Atlanta. That's a good three hour drive. I only took about twenty minutes to pack to I have a good head start on them. The agents my dads boss probably sent out to kill me. Chills ran down my spine when I thought of him. He was truly evil. I never got to tell dad what he did to me-
No! I can't think about that right now! Focus. I've got to run. For dad. I've got to stay alive and carry out his research. I have to find the others out there like me. But first I have to hide. Wait for the switchover to break out. Like it did in the lab right before he was murdered. Just like we knew would happen. With a single tear escaping down my face, I'm on my mission to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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