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((That's Scar. She always wears her fathers bandana over her face to cover the scar that starts from the top of her cheek to her chin))

The cure to cancer was all it was thought to be. But they were wrong. You see, the government secretly had the cure to cancer. Though they would never tell anyone. Not after curing smallpox. The people in charge didn't make as much money curing it as they did holding it off. Slowing down the death. They wouldn't make that same mistake again. No, they would make more money off of chemotherapy, holding off the death of cancer patients than ridding them of the terrible infection. A scientist by the name of James E. McLang was the person to discover this. To out the cure to everyone. He created the cure for his daughter Scar. Hr created what he calls the "switchover cell" which morphs the cancer calls into a new type of cell unknown yet. But they don't seem to be harmful. He was punished though. Taken care of. Gone. Which was soon regretted when the cure was taken into the wrong hands. Given to other cancer patients who's immune systems switchover cells didn't work the same way. No. Their s-cell created a virus released once the cell was, as they call it, "switched over" They turned to monsters. Zombies. Scar calls them Lucy's. Because they're the lucky ones. To get be rid of their repetitive purpose on this earth. Scar sets out in search of others like her. Others who aren't affected by the virus the S-cell produces inside the body. So far she has found nobody. But she will not give up. No. She can't.

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