Chapter Seven

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A/N: I'm sorry this has taken so long! I needed a break from writing recently, and I'm going to make sure I start updating more regularly. I'm going away on Wednesday, so I should get lots of time to write! I really hope you enjoy this part and remember to comment, vote and recommend!

~ Sam

Slowly, and carefully, I pull the bullet our of her flesh. Despite her hands gripping the ground, she didn't make any fuss at all. Her chest is smothered in dark, oozy blood. If I don't stop the bleeding soon, she'll bleed to death. I take off my jacket and press it onto the wound. A slight yelp escapes her mouth, and I immediately feel awful for hurting her. Her blood has stained my nails brown and I stink of sweat. Bodies are strewn all over the abandoned motorway, and I suddenly wonder wether Ward's still alive. That bastard better keep away.

We climb into an abandoned Fiat and I start the engine, it's an old model and probably won't get us to where we need to go without needing more petrol. Natasha's eyelids are heavy and her eyes are watery. Still, she holds my jacket to her abdomen. "Turn left here." She orders. I do so, it's scary being on a road that's so lonely, it's like something you'd find in a horror movie. "There's an airfield just round the corner." She struggles to speak, and I do as she instructs. I shake my head. "No, you need to rest." I tell her. "I'll sleep once we are on a stolen plane and heading to the U.S.A." I smile slightly. She's so sure of herself, she knows exactly what she wants and how she's going to get it. Her confidence never fails to amaze me. I swiftly drive up to the gate going into the airfield. We need some kind of ID. Which I don't have. I look at Natasha for help in this situation. "Just say you're from S.H.I.E.L.D." She shrugs. "In Hungarian?" Natasha nods, and looks at me like I'm stupid. I sigh, and then speak into the little speaker "Jó estét. nevem ügynök Clint Barton . Itt vagyok nevében S.H.I.E.L.D" I briefly state my name and that I'm coming on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D. Natasha nods and gives me a thumbs up. A beep sounds and the gate swings open.

Military officers are based in almost every corner. I drive up to someone who looks important. He sticks out his hand as I unroll the window. "Helló , hogyan tudunk segíteni Önnek?" I don't understand what he's saying so I say "Beszélsz angolul?" Which should mean 'do you speak English.' The man nods. "General Harscoff, nice to meet you Agent Barton. What can we help you with?" He says with a thick Hungarian accent. I smile. "I need to borrow a plane to get back to America. I know it's a lot to ask, but, the woman is injured she needs medical attention." I say as charmingly as possible. He sticks his head into the car to inspect Natasha. She smiles weakly. He nods.

"Tell Fury he owes me one." General Harscoff sighs as he leads us to a small quinjet. Natasha's wound has been seen too, and I don't know how I can thank him. "Nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítséget." I say in my best Hungarian. Harscoff smiles and helps us into the plane. Natasha straps herself into the drivers seat. "You are not driving!" I shout. Natasha groans and moves to the passenger seat. "Why can't I!?" I roll my eyes. "You've been shot!" I argue. "So have you!" She argues back. "Mine was only a flesh wound." I say smugly. "So?" Natasha shouts. I didn't realise that Harscoff was listening to us argue. "Is the plane alright?" He asks. I nod and thank him once again. Just before he leaves he says "Be careful Agent Barton." A shot of worry crawls up my skin. Does he know Natasha's Hydra? Does he know Natasha WAS Hydra?

"Do you even know how to fly one of these things?" Natasha puts me to the test. I nod. "I've done it once before." I say proudly. "That's not very reassuring." Natasha picks fun at me. "What's the plan?" She asks. "I don't know." I sigh. To be honest I haven't really thought of what we are going to do when we get to S.H.I.E.L.D. Everyone will recognise me, and some might even know who Natasha is! "We're going straight to Fury's office." I state. Yes. That's what we'll do. "Ok?" She asks, confused. "It's the best option there is. I'm not smuggling you in my apartment." Natasha laughs. "I'm sure your apartment sucks anyway." She grins evilly. "Hey, you should be nicer to me." I laugh. "After all, you drugged me and tortured me. What did I do to you?" Natasha shrugs. "It's what they told me to do. When you're with Hydra, you don't argue. Ever." I see her eyes begin to water at the memories of what when on there. "Come on." I rub her leg. "Let's go home."

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