Chapter Four

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A/N (Yes I know the picture isn't Clintasha but I kinda love Science Bros even more) Anyways wow thank you for 3k on Clintasha One Shots! It means a whole lot thank you all so much. So this is Chapter Four, enjoy it! I kinda have a song for this part, Save Me by Queen, I think it kinda fitz's. (See what I did there?) :)


I tailed her back to her apartment block. I kept a few metres behind her car, I didn't want to make it obvious that I'd escaped torture, knocked out a guard and stolen his car, and was now following her. Usually by now I would have killed the target, but something, something urgent is stopping me. Like there is more to it then this. Her silver Volvo came to a holt in front of a crumbling building. Gracefully, she stepped out and rummaged for her keys. As she escaped into the awful wreck, I clambered out of the old car and walked casually after her. My skinny hands hovered around my gun.

The outside of the building did not do the inside justice, chandeliers and swirling staircases awaited me. I was shocked, mine blown even. Romanoff pushed the lift button and vanished inside. I guess I'll take the stairs. Luckily, I saw which bottom she pressed inside. Number 8. Geez, I'm tired enough as it is.

Ok, I admit I did pant a little when I finished the trek up the stairs, but I'd just been tortured. Gimme some credit! A door clicked shut in the distance, carefully I followed the sound. The door was locked, but that wasn't a problem. Coulson gave me a handy little device that could open any locked door. I attached it to the door and took a couple of steps back.

The open door revealed a white apartment. With a comfy sitting area and dining area. She must have gotten promoted or something. The bathroom door was shut, in use. Which gave me valuable time to hide and get a good aim on her. I stepped behind the kitchen door and whipped out my gun, aiming it at the bathroom door. Sweat trickled down my forehead. Why was this so hard? The bathroom door swayed open, but my finger couldn't pull the trigger. Natasha glided out, wearing a floppy oversized jumper and her hair tied in pigtails. Why wasn't I pulling it. She walks over to the coffee table, but stops suddenly and looks directly at the door I'm hiding behind. The time ticks on before she walks onward, scowling at the door, picking up a gun lying on the table as she does so. Before she opens the door, I jump out from behind it and aim my gun at her forehead. Her gun drops to the ground, her gaze meets mine. "Barton." She whimpers. "Natasha Romanoff, I am taking you back to my base for questioning, you do not have to say anything but if you do then-" I stop talking. Her face has fallen. "Just kill me now." Her voice is low, she's given up. I slide the gun back into my belt. I can't do this.

I stand in front of her. Her back straight in the wooden chair. "I can't kill you." I moan. She gulps. "There's no point in this Clint. If you don't kill me they will-" I stop her. "Who are 'they'?" I ask pacing backwards and forewords. "You can't help me." She muttered. "We can. Trust me, S.H.I.E.L.D helped me and I was in a tough place." I attempt to console her. Her head falls into her hands. Before I can stop her, she starts to sob loudly. "If I tell you this, you have to swear never to tell anyone." I nod. "Ok then." She says. "Let's get this over with..."

"When I was young, I was taking part in an experiment. The experiment turned children, young girls even into emotionless murderers. I was broken, and alone and deeply unloved, what did I have to lose? If I took part I didn't have to feel the pain again, the pain of losing everything. I did some bad things. Killed some good innocent people. I wanted out, but couldn't escape." Natasha paused and looked at me. "A man, named John Garret found me and promised me a better life. A life with, urm, Hydra." I sit down at this. Didn't they die out?! "Hang on." I interrupt rudely. "Didn't Captain America-" Natasha held up her hand. "One sector survived the attack. Anyway, since I was so rudely interrupted-" She laughed. "-everything was good, more than good fantastic! I was respected, getting good assignments and I have a great boyfriend. All of a sudden it got really deep. I was told to kill children, and when I refused it had its consequences." She rubbed her hands quickly. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Sure, sure." She rolled up her sleeve to reveal a scar about two inches long. "This was from denying an assignment." I ran my finger along the scar, ouch. "Can you help me get out?" Natasha admitted. I stand back, shocked. "What about your boyfriend." I spat. "Please."

I told Natasha to pack her bags. We are leaving. She's coming back with me to S.H.I.E.L.D, they can help her there and I can relieve her of Hydra. I just don't now if this will result in confinement. You are not meant to help targets. So God help me.

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