Truffle shuffle and broken statue

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Squints P.O.V

I was walking out of my room when I heard my older brother Brand say to Mikey "you mean delude yourself."

"That's what is said" cried Mikey. I walked in "oh hi Ems" said a gloomy Mikey.

"So what's our plan for th-" my sentence was cut short by a doorbell ringing. "e day" I finished as Mikey walked past me.

I followed him down stairs with Brand behind me. I went into the kitchen, and heard Brand say Mouth was here. I walked back in the living room with a Pepsi in my hand, unopened.

I glared at Mouth still mad at him from the incident he caused yesterday. the guilty look was all over his face.

All us goonies we're riding home from school down a hill, when Mouth rode close to me. he called out "hey squint look at this" as he attempted to ride his bike with no hands. not only did he fall but he crash in to me totaling my bike. I had no injuries except for the love of my bike breaking into a million pieces. I chased Mouth all the way to his house and when he ran inside, I went home letting off my fumes of anger.

End of flash back.

"Mouth" I said
"Squint" he greeted back. I know he wanted to say sorry but he didn't want to look soft in front of my brothers. I saw it in his eyes.

I got up and walked to the front door when someone snatched my drink from my hand, of course it was Mouth. I grunted and chased after Mouth who had already opened the Pepsi and taken a sip. Brand yelled at us to stop running so I did and sat down on the couch still glaring at Mouth.

Mouth went on pestering Brand about he ruined the last Goonie week by not getting his licenses. I was reading one of the comics both me and Mikey like to read, when I heard shouting from the yard. "Chunk" I said as I got up to the door.

Mouth came behind me and said "jerk alert". chunk said he saw the most amazing thing ever and we had to let him in. Mouth wouldn't budge though till he did the truffle shuffle.

"But squints here"
"Do it"
"Come on"
"Do it"
Then chunk got on a dead piece of chopped wood and lifted his shirt moving his stomach, making funny noises. Both me and mouth we crying hysterical.

"Ok that's enough guys" Mikey said as he pulled a string that lead to a bunch of obstacles going off just to open a gate. I had to squint to see, I did that a lot and that is how I got the nickname.

"Buzzkill" I mumbled for only Mouth to hear and he smirked at me.

Chunk told us of the car chase he saw but I thought it was all bull. Mikey and Mouth were playing with the fish tank when I heard James Bond music. "data's coming screen door quick." I yelled.

Mikey got the glass door but I was to slow to open the screen door. It caused a human domino effect. Data landing on me,Me on Mouth,Mouth on Mikey, and Mikey on chunk. I guess a statue almost fell but Chunk caught it. I was buisy regaining my senses. Data was off of me but I was still on..... Mouth, oh boy. "ew don't touch me Mouth." I said as I scrambled to my feet.

He got up and smirked at me, "you know you liked it laying on my chest, you wish you could do it again don't you." he said. I thought about it for a second me on Mouth's warm, comfortable, chest.... wait what am I saying. instead of responding I looked at the others.

Of course Chunk dropped the statue and it's male part broke off too."That's my mom's favorite part" Mikey said to Chunk.

"Well you, squint, and brand wouldn't be here if it wasn't." Mouth said.

All three of us told him to shut it.

I helped Mikey and chunk put it back but just as we got the super glue ready Mom walked in.

"I see data has been here." she said.
"Hi mom" me and my brothers said. everyone else just said hi Mrs. Walsh.

"Kids this is Rosalita, she'll be helping pack boxes till my arm gets better. She hardly speaks English, and I know some of you speak Spanish." Mouth stood straight up and offered to help in his innocent voice that works on all the parents. he had that devilish smirk on him and mom said "thank you Clarke."

Now was my chance to annoy him. As they were leaving I yelled for Mouth to hear "thank you Clarke." I said in a sweet voice, he turned to glare at me before my mother called him.

The boys continued to fix the statue but ended up gluing the part upside down. when mom came back they hid and acted as if nothing happened. Mouth sat by me on the couch grinning again. I asked what happened but he just said "oh nothing Emma." grhhhhh I hated my name it was so girly. I was squinting again and mom told me I should stop, that it was unattractive. As she was leaving she looked at Mikey and Chunk and asked "what that was?" They were scared, then realized she meant the chip crumbs. we all said bye and then she left.

Brand grabbed Mikey and put him in a choke hold. "you want a breathing problem well you got one." he said,
I laughed. Then Mouth asked what was going to happen to the stuff up in the attic. Mikey told him it was probably going back to the museum dad got it from. we some how ended up going to the attic and Mikey getting mad.

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