Day 16- July 4th, 2015

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Lol I just noticed that I wrote "chapter" on my last two chapters.

It's currently nighttime so I'm skipping the whole day in this chapter.


Today has been a full day of bad luck. (as always -.-)

My uncle lost his glasses in a stream.

We lost a card to enter the condo room (we had 4, don't worry XD).

The pool had more than 20 dead bugs in it.

The pool floor killed my toes.

We lost another card to enter the condo room.

Somebody stole our condo parking space.

There was no more parking space.

We bumped our car into a vent thingy when trying to park.

We had to park in a parking area that smells like there is a gas leak.

And there might be more afterwards.

Hopefully not..... *cries*

At least there was some good things today.

Like our surprise birthday cake thing went well.

And we didn't die on the elevator (at least not yet...).

And other things.

Ok I guess that's it for tonight. If I don't post in a week, I'm dead. Ok baiiii.......

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