Chapter 9- The Ball

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Ashley's POV:

"I need to tell you that the White Queen has invited you all to a ball" the Mad Hatter said. "And trust me, the Red Queen wont be there". We all looked at Mad Hatter curiously, we were all thinking of the same thing I suppose.

"Wha? A ball?" I heard Tatiana say. The Hatter smiled deviously.

"Yes, child" he said reassuringly.

"Will there be food?" Tatiana asked excitedly, the man nodded.

"Churros?! A toilet?! Taylor Lautner?!" she asked even more excitedly. Vivian did her famous face palm. I shook my head.

"Sometimes I don't understand you" I said under my breath.

"There will be all that and more... Including the medical weed. It makes the balls much more better" the Hatter said joyfully. I looked at Tatiana, hopefully she wasn't going to explode with joy.

"This calls for a coffee dance!" Tatiana said practically jumping up and down. She composed herself and began her dance.

"Stir the beans" she said doing gesture as if she was actually making coffee. "Put in the creamer. AND GRIND IT UP!". Then she started dancing as if she was having a seizure.

"......Is she okay?" Hatter asked with a tinge of concern in his voice.

"Yeah" I said reassuringly. "That's just her new and "improved" coffee dance..." A huge breeze came in, It was really cold. Man! Why is it so cold?! I looked up...Oh, yeah Tatiana ate the roof.

"Anyways, you three are going to need these" the hatter gave us three ball dresses.

"Oh these are nice!" I said panning the dress in and out of my face so I could get a good look at it. All the dress had the own individuality yet, they were similar like us.

"GAH!" I heard Tatiana yelled. I turned around.

"Not another one!" Tatiana said throwing something across the room.

"What was that?" Vivian questioned looking over to Tatiana.

"It was a condom.. Why is it every time he gives me something there's always one in there?!" Tatiana yelled.

"I don't know" I said about to laugh.

"Oh, by the way the ball starts at midnight..." the Mad Hatter said walking slowly out the door.

"Midnight?" I said a bit confused. Seriously! Who starts their parties at midnight? Why not a like 8?

"Yes, midnight. What of that you don't understand?" he asked irritably.

"Sheesh I get it.." I replied back, rolling my eyes.

"Wait" Vivian looked outside. "It looks like it's seven or eight now.."

"It is dark outside" Tatiana said looking out the window on the side that wasn't eaten.

"And how far is the castle, Mad Hatter?" I asked.

"Ehh. By foot? About 4 hours.." he estimated.

".....And you just now are telling us?!" I yelled. Hatter walked fast out of the churro house.

"....What are we going to do, now?" Tatiana asked.

"Put on our dresses and start walking?" I proposed.

"...I guess that's the only thing we can do for now" Vivian replied. So we put on our clothes, made sure Adam was okay and left. Before we knew it, 2 hours had passed while we walked on the bare path.

[DISCONTINUED]Adventures of The Tasty Treats Trio(Book 1)-Weirdos in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now