15. A Different Kind of Past, a Perfect Future

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Back for chapter 15!
I just want to note that there's no real time this is happening, except it's after the Blood of Olympus. Just think of it as a peaceful time (no godly wars) when everyone is at Camp Half Blood.
Enjoy the new chapter guys, you've waited long enough :D Thanks for reading!


After helping teach some younger demigods in the swords arena, Percy jogged down to the lake to meet Annabeth. Today, it was a special occasion — their two year anniversary. He could not believe the time that had passed, but what he really couldn't believe was that there wasn't another prophesy to adhere to, holding them back in their relationship.
    Life had seemed easy and peaceful since the defeat of Gaea. There were no earthshaking Giants to tear down or any mortal dangers to overcome. Well, for the most part. There were always random attacks like the Cyclopes, but those were inevitable. To Percy, it seemed like he was fighting monsters in a professional league for the longest time and now he had been launched back to fighting preschool level monsters. As he slowed to a walk along the trees, Percy thought back to his skills as a real preschooler, by strangling the demon snake at daycare.
    Finally he could see the lake ahead. The sight of the sparkling cerulean water under the sunny sky made Percy's skin tingle, as if every part of him was being drawn to it. However much he yearned for the change of underwater at the moment, he wanted even more to find Annabeth.
    He found her right where she always was at this time, tutoring new campers on Greek mythology alongside a few other Athena campers. It had been Percy's idea to have the tutoring sessions on the beach instead of inside any room, because sometimes half bloods can be just too energetic for the still indoors. Entering the first bit of sand on the beach, Percy reminisced to the days when Annabeth was teaching him about the ins and outs of Greek myths when they were twelve.
    Now they were both nearly eighteen. Percy could not even imagine what the past how-many-long years would have been like without Annabeth. Come to think of it, Percy most likely would not be alive.
    At last the tutoring session broke apart and all the students headed for the water. Malcolm, Jude, and Mara, the other Athena tutors, waved goodbye to Annabeth and began collecting their supplies to head out. She turned around and spotted Percy immediately. She made a jokingly disgusted face at him, one that only lasted for a second before spreading to a smile. It was a sight Percy had gotten used to, yet still took his breath away. Her long, curled blonde hair that blew in the wind but was still perfect; her intelligent gray eyes that were often focused on a book; everything.
    When he reached her, they took each other's hands and Percy spun Annabeth around like a ballroom dancer. Per their usual joking acts, he pretended to drop her, only to catch her at the last second. Annabeth made a sarcastically incredulous face and playfully shoved him.
"The lady is not such a lady herself," Percy said in an off kilter medieval accent.
    "Well there has never been a gentleman, has there!" Annabeth replied sardonically in a slightly better medieval dialect.
    "Aye, touché," Percy gave in as he took hold of her hand and they started for the center of camp. He liked how they could just be weirdly normal, even on a big year anniversary. There were definitely some other girls at camp, specifically many Aphrodite girls, who would make a big deal of a two year anniversary. Not that Percy didn't think it was important, but would rather a day where they can just appreciate their time with each other without making it a huge ordeal. He was confident that Annabeth was not the type of girl to demand a lot for such an occasion.
    When they were passing by the volleyball court, still tossing comments back and forth between them, Percy and Annabeth heard the crookedly played melody of "So Yesterday" on pipes. That could mean only one thing. The two looked at each other and said in unison, "Grover's back!"
    Grover had been away for a few days at a close by school, but returned when another satyr stepped in for this easier assignment. Just as Annabeth remained Percy's girlfriend, Grover was still Percy's best friend.
    "Groverrrr!" Percy called over half the Apollo camper-filled volleyball court.
    "Hey Percy, Annabeth! I just got back, like an hour ago!" Grover had tossed his pipe flute aside and jumped into the game. "Isn't it you guys' anniversary today?" When that earned a you creepy stalker look from Percy (and an isn't that sweet you remembered look from Annabeth), Grover explained, "Yeah, I remember when you say these things, man! Who do you think I am, a donkey?"
    "No, just a regular old goat. Aw, I'm kidding, man, you're the greatest half-goat around. But I've gotta see you later!" Percy called back, wanting to hang out with Grover but wanting to go with Annabeth more, still. Grover consequently resumed his viciously competitive and hilarious volleyball playing.
    When they were heading away, Annabeth noted how she, too, would want to do something with Grover. "Just the three of us, you know? Like old times".
    "Yeah, those were the days. We had so much ahead of us back then, you know?" Percy sighed, then perked up to be amused. "And speaking of old times, this is our official two year anniversary. And the two years doesn't even count the years before that".
    Annabeth took his hand that was around her shoulders and laughed. "All that time... Why did it take us until after the whole Titan War to actually be together?"
    By that time, the two had arrived at their destination. As Percy and Annabeth entered the Poseidon cabin, Percy hoped what he'd done was something at least special, despite Annabeth's simplicity. He could tell it was when they walked in, just by the rejuvenated grin on her face. He could agree that it did look impressive, despite his knowledge that it certainly did not look the least bit nice a few hours before. He had a repaired fountain in the cabin and green-blue decor with silver and gold decals. He had even strung some white lights on the walls and across the ceiling. In the center there was a simple blanket spread out.
    Technically, it wasn't allowed for the two of them to be in the cabin by themselves, but that rule never stopped them from these little dates. Besides, they were basically a celebrity couple around camp that granted them a free pass among other campers. Chiron didn't even mind so much anymore, trusting the two of them completely.
    Sitting down on the soft blanket, Percy reached over to pull out a simple picnic basket with chocolate covered strawberries in it. A bit cliché, yes, but always appreciated.
"You know, I think we never really thought about us until we realized, well, how easy it was to lose the other. I remember when you just disappeared when we were, like, thirteen and we had to find you holding up the sky. We didn't know if you were alive, or what, and that's kind of when I first believed we could be together. I dunno, that probably makes no sense," Percy decided.
    "No, Percy, how many times do I have to remind you that you don't always make no sense? Because I thought the exact same thing".
    "I must be a genius if I thought the same thing as you," Percy replied.
    "It doesn't take a genius to come to that conclusion. Plus, what about just last year when you basically disappeared off the face of the earth and were missing for months? That was awful... I couldn't even stand to think about us together without wanting to search the world for you".
    "And I could only remember Annabeth. My mind got rid of everything besides the one thing that brought me back to who I really was".
    "Exactly," Annabeth shifted towards Percy so they were closer than before. "See, I think we just didn't realize we had a good thing until it was gone. Then we were left with all the memories and thought about what could have happened if we just told the other what we were feeling. We didn't realize we were feeling that inside until we were separated".
    "Well, at least we finally realized that, because we wouldn't be here now if we didn't. The things we did for each other never went to waste because now, we're together".


Awhh Percabeth.
I hope this whole meaningful connection isn't lost on anyone, lol.

Anyways, thanks everyone for sticking around and reading my story. It's appreciated so much, thank you!!

And btw, the art used at beginning of chapters isn't all mine, creds to other artists!

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