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  • Dedicated to Katie Bradshaw

Chapter 8

I had finally reached the other side of the lake, and now I was jogging along the side of the road. My mind raced even faster than my legs, which were now beginning to go numb with exhaustion. I hadn't had any sleep, or anything to eat in over 24 hours. Despite that, my mind stayed clear. Where was Harry? He should've been here by now, and he hadn't come. It occurred to me that he could've been kidnapped himself as a way to draw me back.

It was working.

If Harry would need my help, there was no way that I would be able to stop myself from going back for him. After all, he was the only person left that I truly loved. My parents, and the life I'd had with them had been taken from me by force. Tears stung in my eyes. Why couldn't I just give up? There was only so much that I could survive before I would break down and crumble. I tried to wipe the tears away, but more instantly replaced them. I let them fall freely, and for the first time I let the pain in. It felt like my heart was cracking more with every droplet that fell from my eyes. I left the lined concrete of the road, and I went to sit on a nearby tree trunk. I held my head in my hands, trying to get my emotions back under control. There was no time for this. I had to get back to Harry.

I could only imagine what they could be doing to him if they found him. I prayed that they didn't, but some part of me deep down knew that I was wrong. My tears dried, leaving behind stained cheeks as I sat there. I listened to the soft sounds of tree leaves rustling and birds calling, their sweet songs filling my ears. I cleared my mind of all thoughts, took a deep breath, and held it. When I felt like I was going to pass out, I exhaled out all of the stress. The crunch of tires over concrete caught my attention. I turned around on the tree trunk, looking up the hill that I'd come down, to the road.

A large black van rolled down the road, and it was coming right for me.

I instantly recognized the vehicle of my captors. I bolted down into the trees farther from the road. Sprinting for a large flowering bush that stood between two oak trees, I dove and slid behind it just as the van rolled around a bend in the road. I heard the van slowing down, but I didn't dare peek out. A car door opened, and slammed shut.

Footsteps squished in the grass, coming right for me.

I wanted to run, but I knew that I had to stay put. Calm down, I said to myself, trying to quiet my breathing. Keep still. The only thing that will give you away is movement. The sounds ceased. Looking through the branches of the bush, I could make out a pair of black running shoes on the other side. I pleaded with him not to come any closer. My heart leapt into my throat and I was almost sure that whoever this was should've been able to hear it from where they stood. It seemed like an eternity before they finally turned around, seeming to be satisfied that whatever they thought they'd seen was gone, and headed back to the van. I heard tires rolling again, and the van finally disappeared from sight.

I took a deep breath in, finally standing up from behind the bush. I stepped out of my hiding place, and continued walking, this time deciding to stay behind the tree line for safety. If those men were out here searching for me, then I needed to take every precaution I could. As I walked, I stayed alert for the small sounds people. It felt like I'd been walking for ages.

I had to be getting close.

I walked a little farther, and I finally realized that I recognized parts of the brush. All the memories came back to me. I used to play in these woods when I was just a girl. Looking around, I found the tree where I'd carved 'H&K'. I'd openly been in love with Harry when I was younger, and as I aged, I learned to lock those feelings and emotions deep inside so nobody could see.

So nobody could hurt you with them.

So nobody could use them against you.

I guess I'd done a shitty job of it. Now for all I knew, Harry could be kidnapped and hurt, or worse. It was all my fault. If I'd stayed away from him, maybe those people wouldn't have thought we were connected. But how could I stay away from my other half?

I couldn't.

I rubbed my fingers against the ridges in the wood. The memories made me smile in spite of the situation. I sidestepped around the tree, and I kept walking, thinking of nothing more than putting one foot in front of the other. I eventually came upon the old walking trail that I'd used to come out this far into the forest, and I followed it along for another mile or so, until I finally got back into civilization.

I recognized my old neighborhood, all familiar sights and sounds engulfing me. I walked over to the nearest house, the one where my best friend used to room with her sister. I approached the door cautiously, making sure to look around before I did. I wouldn't want these two to become targets. When I was sure nobody was watching, I knocked on the heavy, black painted door. After a few moments, the door creaked open and my friend Jessie answered it, allowing me to come inside.

"Hey, Kate!" She squealed, pulling me in for a big hug. "How are you? I haven't heard from you in forever." Jessie flashed me with a smile big enough to light up a room. I couldn't help but return the gesture as her good attitude infected every cell in my body.

"Jess, something terrible has happened," I said growing solemn again, my voice quiet as I followed her into their small kitchen. The counters were cluttered with old papers and dishes that needed to be put away. Jess stopped for a moment, glancing back at me from over her shoulder, a curious look crossing her face as she furrowed her brow.

"I'm sure that whatever it is, it's not as bad as you think," she commented before I had a chance to finish. "Would you like some tea?" Jess turned back around to face the microwave as she reached up into a cabinet to grab two large mugs. I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her, and turned her around again to completely face me while I spoke.

"You're right," I said, finally realizing myself how grave the situation was really turning out to be. "It's much worse." I watched as her mouth dropped open as she contemplated what could really be that bad after I'd lost my parents. I needed to sit her down and tell her exactly what was going on. I was going to need her help if I intended to get out of this alive. "Oh, and I'll take that tea now."

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