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Chapter 3

Two days earlier

I was glad to finally be free of the awkward tension on the phone between Kate and I. I wanted to tell her right then and there how much I loved her, and that no matter what had happened to her family, I would always be there for her, but I hadn't. Some things are better said in person, I supposed as I continued walking to our rendezvous point in the park. I replaced the phone in my pocket with shaking hands as I walked onward in the middle of the night. 

My fingers were freezing as I walked along in the dead silence; my only company was the bright shine of the moon, accompanied by millions of stars, only the tiniest of pinpricks in the dark sky. Big plumes of white fog puffed out in front of my body as I planted each foot forward steadily. Ice crunched under my feet in a few places where the earlier snow had started to melt, but had refrozen in the night. It was too cold for anyone to be out here except Kate and I. No other person was crazy enough to be walking around at this time of night in the frigid temperatures except us.

I was giddy and excited to meet up with her again. I'd finally been able to come home from the X-Factor, and I wanted to tell her that we'd gotten signed by Syco. She will be eccstatic when she finds out that she's best friends with a superstar, I thought to myself. Then she'll love me for sure. I just know it. 

I had worked so hard for this dream to come true. I would finally be able to ask Kate on a date, be able to take her anywhere she'd like to go, and be able to afford it. That was something I'd never be able to do on a baker's salary. I couldn't ask for more than that! I didn't need flashy money or jewels to get her attention, but I wanted to spoil her. After all, she was my best friend, and the love of my life. I was sure of it; nothing had ever felt more right than when I was with her. I just hope she feels the same way, I prayed to myself. Just hold on a few more minutes.  

I kept wiggling my fingers, and toes as I walked against the cold trying to keep them warm. I took the opportunity the long walk from Louis and I's flat a few blocks away to psych myself up.

"You can ask her, Harry," I said to myself, my voice trembling more than it should've. "Come on, she's your best friend." I tugged my mouth into a tight frown. I jammed my hands in my pockets and tried to pull my head down a little farther into the warmth of my coat, but the winter air picked and prodded at my skin like fingers, each tendril extending past my fortress. I could feel myself starting to shiver in the darkness of the night. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, I thought silently. Something about the air didn't feel right as it hung around me.

Something was wrong. 

I could feel it.

I almost thought I could hear screams in the distance, and the sound put me on edge. Every hair on my body stood on end. The wind blew a moment later, and I wrote it off. It was just the wind, I thought, although I could feel my heartrate increasing anyway.

That really did sound like screaming.

It was getting louder.


I wasn't wearing my best trainers, but I took off running at full tilt. I silently prayed that someone, least of all Kate, was being hurt, but I grew more and more certain of the sound the closer I got.

For a moment I looked forward, and at a distance I could almost see a figure moving slowly, large and wide. It was too tall to be Kate, but if it wasn't, then who was it? That's when it hit me. It was carrying her. I could hear the screaming getting louder with ever footstep closer I got. 

I could almost make out a word now. A distinct sound.

"Harry!" The wind carried the voice to my ears, whispering like a ghost. I could feel my heart racing like it was going to beat right out of my chest. Steam billowed out of my mouth blinding me as I ran forward, trying to get to wherever the sound was coming from. I could feel flames of pain licking up my legs, but I didn't dare stop.

Where was she? I was almost at the gate to the park now, all sight and sound of Kate was gone. 

Disappeared into thin air.


I ran around, looking all over for a few moments before I saw the shoe lying in the middle of the street. I raced into the middle of the street, grabbing for the shoe. I stood there alone in the dark just staring at the small object in my hand: a white trainer. I was positive that it was Kate's. It was a size six, and it was the left shoe. 

The one with the charm on it that I'd put there when we were fourteen.

Bright lights engulfed me, destroying the darkness. A mere second later the terrifying sound of screeching brakes and a blaring horn filled my ears. I immediately looked up, and I stood there, waiting to die.

Hunted: Harry Styles Fan Fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن