Chapter 9: Mansion Massacre

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The stunned silence hold but for a mere second more after his declaration as panic breaks and a soup of chaos is stirred as guests rush for the doors while guards try to push through them to the stage. As this plays out Dragan just leers over the crowd from the stage watching the panic. "Oh no, no, no this will do not do how about we corral these poor, poor people." Dragan says clapping his hands and all around many serves, guards and even the entire band turn towards the crowds as a powerful rush of magic fills the room as a massive illusion spell drops and it reveals dozens of armed armored Dragon Order soldiers, equipped with rifles pistols and body armor, who start tangling with the guards and people at the doors, they have the upper hand as well they packed guns and big ones at that, and well even the guards who only have a single pistol are hesitant to fight. But there are three out liars who rush the stage surrounding Dragan. "Call off your men or we will shoot you dead!" Calls one guard but Dragan laughs and simply sheds his blood-soaked crimson suit. "Oh gentlemen, I'm sorry to say you aren't going to be seeing the rest of the festivities." Under his suit is a device, a piece of high tech from which wires spool alongside tubes which lead up his arms and into his veins looking like a spiders web of machinery as it leads up into his arms and back. In the device are several dozen vials of a black liquid which starts pumping into Dragan's body. As this happens people can hear as the stage groans underneath Dragan, which is odd as he isn't growing but y the stage, you'd think he was massive. While he is standing there as this liquid pumps into him the guards open fire bullets hitting their marks, though the bullets do bounce off wherever they hit even the machine seemed to be shielded by some kind of magic.

Soon the gun fire ceases as there is the click of an empty magazine and the three men look on in fear at Dragan who stands dusting unharmed. With a smile he launches himself forward, the thick oak stage cracking under his feet as he lunges forward grabbing one of the guards by the face and with a half-hearted squeeze anyone who is watching can see as the man's head is crushed like a blood and brain filled grape before he tosses the body aside with ease and enough speed to crack the solid marble the body breaks against. The other two don't have a moment of time to think as with in a moment one gets punched in the guts literally as well Dragan punches clean through him, their body collapsing as their spine and ribs are just splinters. The last man tries to run but Dragan punches through his back turning towards the crowd, the man terrified as he is still alive. "Fuck! Let me go fuck! Help please, I have a family! I don't want to d-"Before he can plead more Dragan reaches up grabbing his jaw hand in his mouth while Dragan grins. "Jeez can you believe the mouth on this guy?" He says looking out at the crowd who have turned back to him after the hopeful guests had watched hoping he'd be shot dead. As there is silence Dragan grins "Well, I'll take that as a yes!" With a twisted grin as the guards' eyes look at him with pleading terror a horrible ripping squelch fallows as with his hand Dragan pulls ripping this man's jaw off before dropping him to the ground where he gurgles and bleeds.

At this time, his goons have corralled the crowds back to their seats while disarming and restraining the guards putting them against the back wall as Dragan's eyes sweep the crowd looking for one particular man, but the masks make it hard to find the particular man. "Now tonight we have some very special guests, three people who are a little out of place! One of them I know quite well, the famed White dead a solider who killed dozens in his prime and nearly ended my glorious quest years back. Then there are the two people he is rolling with a dark elf, exiled from Blackhat for unspeakable crimes and well he was only a secretary! Finally daughter of The Voice of Varonia, a young half demoness by the name of Carla Singer! Show yourself and I promise I won't kill you!" Dragan says scanning the crowd again. Near the back Carla is beginning to hyper ventilate this pressure overwhelming her as death seems to loom over her in this moment, Jebidiah on the other hand was silently slipping the many gold coins he won into a sock as before the show began all weapons had been confiscated. "Not going to show your selves? Fine then how about this for every minute you don't reveal yourself I am going to a random person!" This statement causes panic and paranoia as in the crowd people start looking at each other with suspicion but soon a voice rings out as making his way through the crowd is Lord Madrick Vespasian himself "Wait, wait dear sir this doesn't have to come to violence! What do you want money, power, fame? I can give you anything!" He says as he gets on the stage. Though his offers are met by hideous laughter from all of the men and Dragan himself, "Money? No, no, no my friend its not about the money this is a message and a warning as well since none of you are gonna live to see it lets just say the good elected of the counsel will be joining the numbers of the dead soon!" He says his laugh cackling like a crackling pyre as he seems to drink in this fear like a nice bottle of wine. With one last flourish he turns to Vespasian with a sneer on his face as he swings and back hands him hard sending him flying into the crowd. "Now with that out of the way time starts now!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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