Chapter 8: Creeping Dread

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After his speech Madrick takes an extra second in the lime light before stepping off stage the curtain opens behind him, and the Crimson Ball begins. A tragic tale of a wealthy baron who has a slow descent to madness as he tries to live up to the glory of his ancestors. The main portion of the show takes place at the titular Crimson Ball were after wheeling and dealing to a false glory feeling he has become perfect their rival takes them for a dance and at the climax the rival kills the lead. A beautiful show is usually only shown to nobles as they feel it is theirs and theirs alone. From the crowd Carla and Jebediah watch with fascination, but something about it felt wrong the lead was doing perfect, but well the lead was felt known for his stoic performances but this time he was flamboyant full of emotion and feeling. Its not something that is bad but its just odd. Like artist who always paints in black and white making a color piece out of nowhere. Another thing a keen eye like Jebidiah notices is silently servants close the doors locking many its odd like they don't want someone or something in... or out.

Cole creeps through the halls his elf like agility giving him the grace of a cat, along with his careful foot fall on the soft carpet concealing his presence to the two men as they trapse down the now empty halls trailing blood and viscera behind them not seeming to care this will be quite an obvious scene its suspicious really. As they walk, they talk while most of it is nonsense about fashion choices and why Blade needs to get on a diet but just as he's starting to tune them out Blade asks a question that intrigues him "So why do we have to save some of these rich guys and let the others die." Blade says as he turns to Jester who behind the mask looks like he is going to pop a blood vessel. "I told you SIX DAMN TIMES! Read the briefing Blade, it explains everything Blade, it's perfectly simple Blade!" "But it doesn't have pretty pictures, so I don't read it." Blade simply says and Jester slowly turns the fire of each of the 9 hells burning in his eyes. "Pictures... you don't read important military documents that are CRUCIAL to our missions... because it doesn't have pictures." Jester says a blade flashing in his hand. "Yea-"Blade is cut off as his head leaves his shoulder and rolls down the hall. Cole looks on shocked at how quickly he just killed this man Blade for such little provocation. But as he keeps watching things get stranger, after a few seconds the body of Blade hasn't fallen over yet and from the stub of his neck thin wire like metal blades slither out going down the hallway and reaching the head quickly retracting dragging it back and quickly reattaching to the neck the wound closing as it reattaches. "Point taken Jester I'll read the stupid non picture having reports some time!" Blade says not even acknowledging what had just happened. Cole is horrified and just shocked at what he had witnessed, who the fuck are these guys what are the! That guy just shrugged off his head being cut off like a very weak slap. But he decided to carry on fallowing keeping a much farther distance from them a bit scared and nervous about these men.

The show goes on amazing performances all around and soon intermission comes but no one is let out which people don't seem to mind though this sets Jebidiah and Carla a little on edge. "You know Jebidiah the idea of this being a trap is sounding a little more reasonable but how are they gonna get in?" Carla asks nervously, her eyes flitting to the large church-like windows that flank the sides of these halls. "Well miss they are either already inside or have us surrounded, or both!" Jebidiah says his eye twitching a bit. "Who's already inside!" A sudden voice speaks up and both of the pair jump, and spin surprised to see Madrick Vespasian himself sliding into a seat. "Sorry to surprise you I had just been coming over here to check on my valued guests, as well you do seem a bit nervous. Also, Carla dear, it's been some time! Sorry to hear all these horrible rumors about your mother. It's a shame with all the gossip like when my father mysterious passed away by the natural cause of a pillow accidently getting over his face and suffocating him to death, which is a completely normal way to go. Gossip started that I, the greatest and kindest of the Vespasian Household, killed my father to get a deal with the Empire. Of course, those nobles and journalists say the error in their ways especially after one real nasty one met a horrible accident falling in front of a passing train, so I feel you." As he talks Jebidiah looks over at Carla with a face of bewilderment in horror about these thinly veiled deeds he has committed, but Carla looks unphased like they were talking about the weather and not silencing journalists. "Yeah, yeah and we are a bit nervous about... our friend, he went off with a performer and well hasn't come back." Carla says as well admitting to murder doesn't really make her want to share that their may be people on the inside as for all she knows this slimy rich bastard may be one of them.

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