Lost And Found

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Claire cautiously stepped out of the vehicle, her mouth gaping in surprise. She closed the door behind her. She began walking then sped up with each step.
"Zach! Grey!" She screamed.
Zach got up to his feet from placing Grey off the road and in the tall grass. He embraced Claires suffocating hug. She moved on quickly to Grey who was still limp on the floor.
"Hey Aunt Claire." Grey said with a half-smile.
"What happened?" She said and knelt to his side.
"Long story. T Rex. No biggie." Zach replied. Maisie and Owen caught up to Claire.
"You survived a Rex?" Owen said in disbelief. "On your own?"
"Yeah, well it wouldn't be the first time." Zach smiled then dropped his expression. "You're Masie Lockwood."
Maisie was at Owens side. She stared at Zach. "And you my new cousin Zach." She chuckled.
"Wait, so that whole thing on the news with Biosyn... that was you guys?" Zach glanced between Owen, Claire and Maisie.
"Yip. What can I say, it's what we do." Owen said, putting an arm around Maisie. "Let's get out of here."

Owen turned around to the vehicle and heard a burst. He jogged off see what happened when the second burst occurred. Two of the tyres had popped and went flat in seconds.
"That's our ride gone." Owen muttered.
"Looks like you needed a new one anyway." Zach said judging the missing rooftop and seeing the chunks of car missing.
Grey was standing, leaning on Claire and Maisies shoulders. His leg was improving by the minute.
"We have to walk." Owen announced. The sun was lowering in the sky, all the swarms of tiny insects buzzed around. Frogs began croaking in the grass.
"I don't think that's possible at the moment." Maisie murmured. Although Grey was making a speedy recovery, his leg had swelled up to twice the size it was. A thin layer of slimy skin was already growing over the jaggered bone edges. He couldn't put his weight on it. He stood with the damaged leg at a skew angle, hanging on to Claire and Maisie, digging his fingers in their shoulders.
"Over there!" Grey pointed his head into the distance where bright car lights shone. The car was driving in their direction. Maisie recognised the car.
"It's Dr Grant and Dr Sattler again." Maisie exclaimed.

The upcoming car was almost camouflaged in the dusking colours. It stopped directly behind Owens car, parking neatly.
"Looks like you need another ride." Ellie said as she rolled down the window of the drivers seat.
"What happened to you guys?" Alan said as he shut the car door. The group shifted and formed a sort of circle. Owen by the back of his vehicle, still inspecting the tyre; Claire and Maisie holstering Grey onto the mud guard at the back so he could relax; Alan and Ellie perched next to each other leaning on their bonnet; and Zach standing next to Owen.
"We need a hospital." Zach said.
"Actually, I don't think we do." Maisie said. With the cars lights on, something see through glinted on Greys shin. Something that foamed along the edges and had a liquid appearance. She bent down to get a closer look. "What is this stuff?"
"Ah." Grey choked on his words. He didn't quite remember anything. The whole attack was just a blur coming back in minor fragments at a time.
"Call me crazy but," Zach paused for a moment, trying to process what he was about to say. "There was this weird girl with white hair..."
"What?" Alan said. "You mean a person..."
"Or did she look kind of... strange?" Ellie finished.
"Yeah, she had gray shaded makeup on or something. And long nails. You could say she looked strange. I just thought she was a emo."
"Emo?" Claire inquired, giving him a stern look.
"That's not the point!" Maisie announced. "I'm saying the ooze that is on Greys shin might be the same as the ooze that healed Dad's hand. That's why its healing so fast."
Owen glanced at his hand, flexing it. The scars were deep and made it look like he survived a piranha attack, but other than that it was fine, in fact feeling stronger than before.
"If we take him to hospital, they might want him for inspection. He'll never escape." Claire said under her breath, fearing the worst.
"Then we just going to go home?" Zach said feeling angry. He promised to take care of his brother, now look at him with a broken leg. If hospital was what Grey needed to get better, that's where he was going to go. But the earth shivered a little under his feet before he could protest more. Loose soil bounced vigorously on the road surface, every metallic feature on the cars squeaked. The ground began to shake ferociously. 

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