Into The Unknown

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Owen blinked. His eyes felt heavy and there was a tinge of nausea lingering in the back of his throat. He groaned. Wherever he was, it was so bright, he squinted. He felt a warm hand on his face.

Owen? a familiar female voice chirped. Claire loomed over Owen; tassels of her orange hair tickled his chin. Owen groaned. It didn't take him long to register the pongy smell of sanitiser and the cardboard like beds, somehow, he was in a hospital.

"How did I what happened?" He whispered. Claire quickly embraced him, squeezing him tightly.

"I was so scared." She faintly cried.

"It's alright." Owen replied. His vision sharpened a little, breathing quickened. You hugging to tight.

"Oh my gosh." She dropped him back on the teal sheeted bed.

"Glad to see you okay." Alan grunted from the back of the white walled room, "You had us a little worried there."

"I still dont know what happened..." Owen breathed. His voice was quite soft. He gazed down at his hand and saw neat scars, like there had been stitches, sealing up the once shredded wounds.

The doctors did a good job. He said, his voice regulating to its normal deep undertone. He flexed his fingers, then crunched them.

It wasnt the doctors. Maisie said. She sat near the head of Owens bed in a singular leather couch. She did.

Owen looked at her confused, his eyebrow arched. "Who?"

"She did." Maisie said sternly, "The Indo-Sapien. She saved you. She healed you. It was her. "

"Zach, are we stuck?" Gray whimpered.

"No, just keep quiet, I'm trying to concentrate." Zach sarcastically said. He peered through the back windshield and stepped on the accelerator. The wheels spun endlessly in the mud. Zach huffed. Here they were in a wild forest with dinosaurs roaming around, at night while it is raining, stuck. Wonderful.

Lone Pine was just around the corner, walking distance, but something hasty was lingering inside Zach and Gray to walk all the way there.

"I have to push us." Zach said. He unclipped his seatbelt and pulled the door handle.

"Wait, Zach!" Gray argued, "It's dangerous!" He sounded on the verge of tears. Gray tugged the edge of Zach's shirt. Zach stopped and stared at Gray.

"Well, how about this, if I get eaten, you drive off and go find Claire?"

"That's not funny."

"It's not, I'm serious. I'll get out and push, you can drive. We need to accelerate to get out of here anyways."

"Are you crazy? I can't drive!"

"I know! That's why I'm going to teach you, if you let me get out."

Gray let go of Zach's shirt. Zach leaned out the door.

"Now jump over." Zach said. Gray unbuckled himself and swung his legs around. He fitted himself into the drivers seat easily. There was a small snap in the forest, Gray glances anxiously. A small bush moved but the silence lingered on.

"Nothing to be afraid of. The faster we get out of here is the faster we get out of here. Now all you do clutch, neutral, turn key clockwise. Then once the engine is idling, simultaneously let go of clutch and accelerate. See? Easy. Do it."

Gray shifted his left foot on the clutch, he turned the key and the car switched on. Then he accelerated and let go of the clutch. The car lurched forward but then sunk back into place. The back wheels spinning, squirting mud in every direction, making a huge noise.

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