The Night After The Dance

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The night after the dance, the palace was quiet as Twyla made her way through the dimly lit corridors. Her mind was racing with suspicions about Kofi's involvement with the Englishmen and their bold demands. She knew she had to confront him, to get to the bottom of this.

Finding Kofi in the palace gardens, Twyla approached him with a sweet smile. "Kofi, may I speak with you for a moment?"

Kofi turned to her, his expression guarded. "Of course, Princess. What is on your mind?""I couldn't help but notice your absence during the council meeting today," Twyla began, her tone gentle. "Is everything alright?"

Kofi shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "I had other matters to attend to. Nothing of importance."Twyla's smile faltered. She knew he was lying. "Kofi, I have to ask you something. Did you have any contact with the Englishmen before their visit?"

Kofi's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly composed himself. "Why would you think that, Princess? I assure you, I had no involvement in their visit."

Twyla narrowed her eyes, studying him carefully. "I find that hard to believe, Kofi. Why would they come here asking for prisoners of war if not for some prior arrangement?"Kofi hesitated, his mask slipping for a moment before he regained his composure. "I... I may have spoken with them once or twice, but I assure you, it was nothing of consequence. I have since cut all ties with them."

Twyla was not convinced. "And why did you speak with them in the first place? What did they offer you?"

Kofi hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment. "They... they offered me money. They promised to help me find my parents, who are prisoners of war themselves. They said it was unlikely they would still be alive, but... but I had to try."

Twyla's heart softened at his words, but she knew she couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgment. "Kofi, if what you're saying is true, then why keep it a secret? Why not tell us about your parents and ask for our help?"

Kofi looked away, his voice barely a whisper. "I... I wanted to impress you, Twyla. I wanted you to see me as someone worthy of your love."

Twyla felt a pang of guilt. She had never considered Kofi's feelings in all of this. But she couldn't let her sympathy sway her. She had to stay strong, for the sake of her kingdom.

"I'm sorry, Kofi," Twyla said, her tone firm. "But I cannot condone your actions. I must do what is best for my kingdom."

Kofi's eyes flashed with anger, but he quickly masked it with a charming smile. "I understand, Princess. I only hope that one day you will see me for who I truly am."

As he reached out to caress her cheek, Twyla felt a wave of revulsion. She knew she had to act fast, before Kofi could manipulate her any further.

"I... I think I understand now, Kofi," Twyla said, her voice trembling. "Kofi, you are strong  and determined and I think my father was right about you... you are what this kingdom needs; a capable leader. I will give your proposal a thought"

Kofi's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly recovered, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Twyla forced herself to respond, her mind racing with her plan.

As they broke apart, Kofi looked at her, his eyes filled with hope. "Twyla... do you mean that?"Twyla forced a smile, her heart heavy with deceit. "Yes, Kofi. I mean it."

As Kofi's defenses crumbled, Twyla knew she had him right where she wanted him. She would play along with his charade, pretend to be his lover, all the while gathering information to take him down and protect her kingdom. 

It was a dangerous game she was playing and she knew she was his weakness and she was willing to do whatever it took to protect her people.

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