Chapter 103: Late Night Swim/Punished by the Boogeyman

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APRIL 11, 2006


AT 12:40 AM 

                                                                                 HAILEY (ARIEL)

I was on the beach near the Yokohama Bay. It was the middle of the night, but I was still up. The reason was that I needed to get my mind off of Daemon and his death. I still couldn't believe that Daemon was gone. Losing him made a big hole in my heart. My father had no idea that I was in a relationship with someone who was fully human. I should have told him about my relationship with Daemon. I wanted to have a life with Daemon, but now I can't. My father didn't want me swimming in rough seas, but I didn't want to worry because I knew that I would become a mermaid soon. (Or I'd hope that I would become a mermaid soon.) As a half-human, half-merfolk being, I wanted to believe that the day was upon me when I wouldn't need to hold my breath anymore. However, it felt like it was taking forever. I didn't know when it would come so I brought a breathing underwater apparatus.

I looked up at the sky and saw the moon. It was almost full, but it still looked very beautiful. I smiled thinking that everything would be alright so I placed my underwater breathing apparatus in my mouth before diving head-first into the water from the Yokohama Bay bridge. The water was cold and it was dark. Thankfully, I had a glowstick that I cracked. Once I cracked it, the glowstick glowed my favorite color which was Caribbean blue. I swam into the water hoping that I would be able to swim across the bay. I knew that it would take forever to swim to Hawaii so I decided to keep it in Japan. The water was cold. I've been in colder water. I swam in colder waters. The water would feel like I was swimming down the same temperature that the Titanic sank in. It would feel just like the water did in the movie. I couldn't think about anything...except for the pain...just like Jack Dawson said in the movie Titanic that came out when I was a kid. My older sisters went to go see it and they said that they cried when the ship sank. Of course, they started bawling when Jack died. 

My heart went out to everyone who died during the real event. There were families lost and dogs lost. It broke my heart knowing that it was a real event and that there were so many children who died. Babies were also lost too. I couldn't believe it. The guy who made the Titanic didn't care about those lives whatsoever. He was responsible for all of those lives that were lost. The guy killed himself in 1937. I didn't know if it was from the guilt that he felt after everything or not, but I still couldn't believe that he wanted to race the other ships from getting to land. Nevertheless, I wanted to make sure that nothing like that happened again. As a mermaid (or soon-to-be-mermaid), I wanted all humans to survive the sinking of their ships. I swam deeper into the water hoping that I would see the fish and coral in Yokohama Bay. 

I didn't see any yet, but the reason was probably because I didn't have any goggles. The water burned my eyes since I was not a mermaid yet. I swam up hoping that I could be able to recover. Before I could, I felt something knock out the breathing underwater apparatus in my mouth and something tie around my legs putting them together in one. I did my best to swim up but I couldn't. I covered my mouth and puffed my cheeks hoping that I would be able to make it up to the surface. That's when a wave crashed over me bringing me deeper into the water. I screamed hoping that someone would hear me, but since I was underwater, it was like screaming in space. Both in space and underwater, no one can hear you scream. I looked around the water for something that I would be able to free myself with. However, the water had a strong current that tossed me everywhere. I tried getting my shell phone out and tried to call for help. Unfortunately, the water would keep on tossing me from side to side. I had no idea how I was going to survive this. 

AT 7:00 AM 


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