I'm addicted to you

343 28 4

Aarav Singhaniya

I stood in front of the mirror scrutinizing the marks Bella created on my skin.

I ripped open my shirt in rage and threw it somewhere. Blood was oozing out of the wounds. She scratched my neck like a lioness.

I didn't realise my pain before. I was busy devouring her lips.

Fuck her lips were too soft to me. I could endure any pain just to taste those lips.

But she didn't kiss you back - my inner voice mocked.

" Don't fucking remind me that " saying that i punched the mirror.

Bella didn't kiss me back. I bit her lips, bled her lips and still she didn't gave in. Rather she chose to bruise me in the same way.

Fuck baby your nails are as sharp as your mouth. And it was only turning me up thinking how you would scratch my back when i would be pounding into you.

Soon baby soon. I would make you mine soon.

" I will never be yours Mr. Aarav Singhaniya. Never ever. " That sentence kept ringing in my mind.

I gave you time to adjust Bella. I thought you were learning to adjust. I thought after breaking your ankle you have learnt your lesson. But I was wrong.I was so wrong.

I didn't know she was that desperate to leave me. I was wrong. And I had no shame to accept my fault.

Bella was like an injured lioness. So aggressive, harmful.

I never intended to hurt her physically.

Yes I used her. I played with her mind. I did the worst thing to her but my intention was never to hurt her physically.

I thought she and that caregiver was planning something but i didn't realise that they were planning to leave.

The moment Nick and Karan informed me about their plan I lost my sanity.

My blood boiled hearing their conversation. That bitch was manipulating Bella. Well played Wei Yihan. You planned very well but alas ! I was the master in this game.

You and your little assassin would suffer. First i would kill that little shit then that Chinese asshole.

I changed into a new shirt and headed towards the basement.

" Lei come sta? " I asked Enzo.

How's she ?

" I have taken out the bullet. She is resting. "He replied in English.

I was quite taken a back hearing his English. Enzo De Luca never spoke in English at least in front of me.

He always carried a pride of his mother tongue.

" You , speaking in English? What did that girl do to you Enzo? "

" She can't speak Italian fluently. So I had to change. "

I nodded.

"Wake her up. I have to ask her few questions"

" She is under pill Aarav. I'll take care of her. You don't have to worry. " He said nonchalantly.

" She works for Wei Yihan Enzo. That girl helped Bella to escape. You must be insane to think that I'll let it go. " I shouted.

" She was about to escape. If it was not me informing you about their plan your sweetheart would have been fled already "

" I pay you for the informations bastard. "

" I work for no one Aarav. After leaving Nosa Costra i cut the ties with the Famiglia. " He scoffed.

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