The Rosier-Crouch Fraternal Twins

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Book Name: The Rosier-Crouch Fraternal Twins
Movie: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Soulmates For Savannah: Unknown
Soulmates For Autumn: Unknown
Oc Names: Savannah & Autumn Rosier-Crouch
Faceclaims: Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen

Book Status: published- pre writing

Type of Book:
A normal fanfic


The Rosier-Crouch Fraternal Twins got taken away from their dads after the murder of their mom who was their two aunts sister.

The girls was taken to their dads  friend name Regulus Black who was in hiding.

They know about their cousins and they can't wait to meet them especially their cousin Harry.

The girls have 3 soulmates each and they don't know who their soulmates are.


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