You Know? That One Wolf.

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You Know? That One Wolf

Alpha’s POV

Every one was confused. Appalled, all I could think was that the Hunters had ever damn angle covered. I knew they were dangerous but I couldn’t believe they would kill a child that wasn’t even involved. My anger was beyond controlled at the moment. I headed out of the living room to the kitchen to get the phone.

I knew their eyes followed but it didn’t bother me. Just as I reached for the phone it’s shrill ringer broke the tense silence. I lifted the receiver with out looking to see who it was. “What?!” I snapped.

“Whoa, chill Frankie.” Slime’s voice came through. My teeth ground together so hard that one of them cracked.

“What did I tell you?” I hissed, not being bothered by the pain in my mouth.

“Francis, right got it… any way I’ve got some info that you may like.” He chuckled like he was the king of the world. And I’m sure that he felt that he was. “But you know I don’t hand this information out for free so maybe you should come down here and we can have a little talk.”

“Look I’m extremely pissed off right now and am three seconds from ripping your eyes out of your head and shoving them down your throat so that you can watch me tear in guts out and feed them to the piranhas at the zoo for my own damn entertainment!” There was a long silence on the other end. I’m sure he heard the seriousness of my statement.

“I got a hold of those images from your meeting the other night. They are real, but fake. If that makes any sense. The image of the gray wolf was added on to the front of the image of the two dead wolves. But the small gray wolf is a shifter, well from the body shape I’m pretty sure that it’s a shifter. But being as small as it is they were probably pretty young when they shifted.”

“How do shifter’s look different from regular wolves?” I asked. This was new to me. I heard a gulp on the other end. Was he nervous? He chuckled and started speaking again but I wasn’t listening, not to his words anyway. I loved wolf senses because even over the phone I could hear his fear, the gulps he took and the slight shake in his voice. There was no doubt that he was scared shitless. Only question is do I care?

He gets good information and all of it is reliable, but there is no telling how trustworthy he is. He’ll give any and all information to anybody for a porn magazine. “Are you listening?” he finally asked. Must have noticed I wasn’t paying attention.

“Nope. I’ve got to go.” I said and hung up. Not worrying too much about it I picked the phone up again and dialed a different number. It rang several times before and old raspy voice answered. “I need to talk to you.” I said. He instantly recognized my voice.

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