xxxi - in which dumbledore likes peppermints

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Ron walked through the corridors of Hogwarts with Valerie. They were relatively silent as they went. The only sound that could be heard was the buzzing of the bees and the gentle rustle of the trees. Outside smelled like fresh flowers. In fact, little purple crocuses popped through the melting snowbanks, adding touches of color to the otherwise drab scene.

Valerie was shivering, a blanket draped over her shoulders. Her lips were tinged with blue, and her hair was damp. She clutched at the opening, closing it tightly around her body so no warmth escaped.

Just that morning, Harry had rescued her from the Black Lake for the second task. Meaning... what? Why had she even been stuck in there in the first place? Why her?

Ron sure wasn't making any effort to talk to her. He was rubbing his hands together and taking long strides,  making Valerie scramble to catch up with him. "Slow down!" she complained, adjusting the blanket over her shoulders once more.

Ron slowed up, now walking at a normal pace. "Sorry about that. How are you feeling, by the way? What was it like being in the lake?"

"Oh, so now you talk to me?" Valerie rolled her eyes.

"I mean, yeah."

Valerie had to let that comment go. She looked at Ron and said, "It was weird, honestly. I barely remember anything. Just one fuzzy feeling and then -" she paused. "Next thing I knew, I was underwater, with Harry tugging at my ropes."

"Harry likes you pretty well, I gather," Ron cautiously advanced, remembering their previous conversation to 'forget about it'. "Or else you wouldn't be down there."

"I wonder why you weren't," Valerie pondered. "I mean, you're just as much his friend as I am."

"You're so dense sometimes, you know that? It's obvious. Harry loves you. I'm his friend, sure, but that's nothing in this case. Krum got Hermione - although if you ask me, they've only known each other for like, no amount of time - Fleur got her sister, and Cedric got that Ravenclaw Cho Chang."

Valerie's whole carefully built up wall to hide her feelings seemed to come crashing down on her. She pondered her interactions with Harry, the things that the professors would see and think: "oh, they love each other." But, in all honesty, there was absolutely no way that was the case.

"Fleur wasn't in love with her sister."

"But she loved her sister. In a family way. You're not Harry's family."

Valerie's throat clogged up. She couldn't think of a clever retort. She could barely speak, as it was. Could Ron really be right?

It didn't matter, anyway. Ron was never right.

"Talk to him for yourself," Ron said, already regretting his previous words. He felt bad, having brought up a topic that Valerie might not feel comfortable talking about.

They had reached the common room. Valerie gave a half-hearted wave to Ron and trudged to the dorms, ready to get dressed into some warm clothes. Before she could go up the final step of the staircase, she heard a familiar voice.


Valerie turned around, seeing exactly who she expected. There was Harry, with his dark, tousled hair that was never straight, his round glasses that she had seen him wear every single day of her life that she'd known him - even that shy smile.

"What is it?" she asked, a bit grumpy for his taste. She shifted around from one foot to the other, trying to block out the intrusive thoughts that pushed through. Her mind was wandering, thinking of Ron's words just a few minutes ago. She looked behind Harry - thankfully, Ron wasn't there - and didn't see any way of escape.

"I told Dumbledore about the locket. I know that you didn't want me to tell anybody, but he can help. He brought you a note - I thought you might want to read it."

Harry held out a weathered piece of parchment, avoiding her wary gaze. On the front was neatly written: "Miss Valerie Faire".

Valerie took it. She was so absorbed in what might be in the letter, she didn't even wait to open it. Harry quietly watched as she tore open the parchment, drinking in the carefully written words:

Miss Valerie Faire,
It has come to my attention that you are seeking some answers about your family history. I was well acquainted with your father while he was a student at Hogwarts, and I would be delighted to give you peace of mind about his past.
As for the locket that is in your possession, I would like to inspect the relic. I believe that I may know something that will be of much importance to you in your search for answers.
Everett Faire was a great man, and his unfortunate downfall was troubling to all who knew him.
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore
(I enjoy a good peppermint.)

Valerie let her hand that was holding the letter fall to her side, and she looked questioningly at Harry.

"He 'enjoys a good peppermint'?" she asked, knitting her brow in confusion.

Harry laughed. He leaned on the banister of the stairs and rested his chin on his elbow. "Well now we know how to get into his office."

"His office? We?"

"Well of course I'm coming with you. The appointment is tonight. If you want answers, I'll be now."

Harry laced his fingers through hers and led her down, down, down the stairs - straight to the headmaster's office.

Valerie's heart was beating a mile a minute. Harry squeezed her hand a little tighter and looked back at her one more time.

"Don't worry. Whatever you find out, it doesn't change anything. I still love you."

(A/N): Dun dun dun! I love writing this book, regardless of how many reads I get. It's so fun to explore the character's pasts and their feelings towards one another. Valerie and Harry are just so cute together. Don't worry too much - this is a slow burn, but there's some good stuff coming up. I've got the ultimate first ki - I mean nice little hug scene already written out. I told myself no spoilers, but, oh well.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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