vii - in which ron fanboys over krum

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Valerie soaked in the Sun's warm rays as she sat outside, watching the pregame antics unfold. It was Ireland against Bulgaria, at the Quidditch World Cup.

Valerie was facing the field. She could see the magnificent green of the turf, as well as the colour of each team swaying over their respective sides. Fans roared from their tents, and the players warmed up on their brooms. Some were polishing their Firebolts, others were donning their team's robes and tying their shoulder pads.

She enjoyed Quidditch, to an extent. The reason she had really come was because her friends were going with her. Ronald Weasley, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger: longtime friends since their first year at Hogwarts. She, Valerie Faire, was a Gryffindor along with them.

She smiled when she heard the ruckus coming from inside the tent. The boys must be going crazy in there.

Hermione propped herself up next to Valerie and said, "You think that they're making bets on the game?"

"100 percent," Valerie answered with a laugh. Both of the girls giggled. "I'm really glad we get this time off before school starts," Valerie found herself saying.

"It was crazy last year. Actually, and the year before that — and before that —" Hermione said, tickling her points off her fingers. "We can't get a break."

"Hopefully none of that will happen this year, though."

Hermione nodded. "We ought to go in. The boys are making a big fuss and we should break it up."

"Why's that our job —" Valerie started to complain, before getting up and dusting the dirt off her pants. Hermione was already holding the tent flap up. The girls entered a scene of utter chaos.

Harry was standing on a chair, one hand clutching the back of it for support, the other waving an Irish flag high above Ron's head. Ron scrambled to reach for the flag.

The twins, Fred and George, were whooping and hollering, their Irish flags slung over their shoulders, while Ginny struggled to hold in her laughter, clutching the tent pole.

Mr. Weasley was tending to the fire, ignoring the ruckus.

Harry saw the girls and dropped the flag. Ron caught it and handed it to Ginny, who gave her brother a grateful look. When he caught sight of Valerie and Hermione, he ran over to them with Harry.

The twins started dancing around. Valerie laughed and exchanged a look with Harry, while Hermione tried to stifle a smile.

The crowd roared outside, and Fred and George just pulled their irish flags tighter onto their shoulders.

"There's no one like Krum," Ron said, with admiration in his voice.


"Dumb Krum!"

"Dumb Krum," the twins chorused.

Ron turned to look at the twins circling around him. "He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!"

Harry spun around and put his hand on the pillar of the tent, his face blossoming into a smile. Valerie put a hand on his shoulder and watched as the twins squatted down and danced around Ron.

"He's more than an athlete —" George interrupted him by throwing his irish flag over Ron's head — "He's an artist!" Ron finished triumphantly, throwing the flag off his shoulders.

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny said in a swooning voice, patting his shoulder. Harry started grinning stupidly, and Valerie smacked his shoulder.

"Viktor I love you,"

"Viktor I dooo —"

"When we're apart," Harry joined the twins.

"My heart beats only for you," they all sang, laughing at Ron's expression.

"Oh, shut up."

"Sorry, lad," Fred chuckled, slapping Ron on the shoulder heartily. "Anyway, Ireland's gonna win, I bet everything on it."

"Not betting!" Hermione scolded. "It's illegal!"

"Only if they catch you," George said. He turned to look at Hermione with a lopsided grin on his face. "C'mon, darling, no harm in that."

Hermione scoffed and ripped her gaze away from his. Valerie patted her shoulder. "It's alright, Mione. He's stupid anyway."

"Stupidly smart, you mean?" George raised an eyebrow.

"Stupidly stupid," Valerie sneered back at him. Then she smiled. "I wish I could stay mad at you."

"It's my eyes, isn't it? You can't resist."

"Let's go with that," Valerie replied, catching Ron's eye. Ron had a hand to his mouth, his expression unreadable. She was pretty sure he was holding back peals of laughter. "Whatever lets you sleep at night."

George turned towards his brother. "So, did you secure the bet with Bagman?"

"Shh! Don't let Mum hear you," Fred whispered, eyeing Ginny, who was eagerly listening in on the conversation. "Shoo, Ginny."
Ginny huffed and went to help Mr. Weasley with the fire, giving the twins dirty looks. "Oh, Mum —!"

(A/N): So, this story is going to be mostly based on the books, but this scene was just too good to not have. The Weasley twins are my favourites.

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